Prohormone drug test ncaa


New member
Hey, so im on my first cycle of ph. If i were to get drug tested by the ncaa is there anything i can take to throw off the test? I heard something about a cleanser? Please let me know anything will help
If you didn't listen to the advice in your other thread, why would you listen now. You clearly didn't think your decision through and will have to deal with the consequences that may be more than you understand at this point.
How did I jump to a conclusion? It is your decision to make, I respect that 100%. I have made plenty of hasty decisions and had to live with the consequences as many of us on the forum have. All anyone tried to do was share their experience to possibly steer you out of harms way. You didn't respond to any advice given in the other thread and you took a huge risk at possibly damaging your health and possibly testing positive for PEDs, that is purely an observation. Sorry if I seem gruff, but we see this again and again, people ask a question don't like the answer or that we don't cosign their plan.
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I apologize, your right. Do you have any idea how long these pills will stay in your system for? I cant find anything on the web. I know ph usually stay for about 2 months but im concerned about 1 or 2 pills
I'm sorry brother I really don't know how they conduct PED testing or how a prohormone would metabolize. Other member may have experience with this. If you're really concerned about this, you haven't been "on" long, I would come off and PCT.