prohormone help Please !!!


New member
Alright I am highly frustrated and any help or sugestions would be greatly appreciated. First off I started 5 weeks ago with a cycle of Gaspari Nutritions Methyl-D. After 1 week on this supp. i stacked it with ergopharms 4Ad. I got absolutely no results !!!! Towards the end of the cycle of Methyl-D I continued with the 4AD and began taking 1 AD. Now it has been 5 weeks and im out a lot of money and i am still beging for gains. My nutrition store suggested I take Gaspari M1T. What should I do ? I am looking to gain alota of strength but am not really interested in gaining a lot of weight. I currently bought the M1T and more 4AD. Would I be better taking more 1AD or starting the M1T ? Also if I am trying to avoid water retion and sexual sides would I be better with one or the other products. I know that 4AD is a good counter acter for sexual sides but does cause water retintion. Anybody know whats up woth my immune body or what ? Thanks.
Ive heard both good and bad things with m1t, never done it though.

Man, get youre diet, sleep and training in order then it will go without that shitty stuff!
And if you say that all of them are great then let us know what a normal day for you looks like
It is hard to say what happened, I know I am not a fan of Methyl-D, that is why we didn't release it.

You can do juice and see no results if your training and diet are not in check. If you want to gain just strength, and little weight, I personally suggest Methyl 5AA, I feel it is one of the most underappreciated of the methyls out there, just because it never recieved a lot of hype.

Now, I strongly suggest you stop your cycle, do post cycle therapy (pct), and then design yourself a solid cycle, and honestly evaluate your nutrition and workout before jumping back on.

If you want mostly strength, I suggest M5AA (our product name is Masterdrol)

If you want size, I suggest M1T, and M4AD stacked, running 10mg M1T and 40 mg M4AD per day.

If bulking, calories should be 20-25X with protein being 1.5-2grams per pound of bodyweight.

Anabolics are simply like nitrous for a car. If you do not have the car in top running condition, nitrous is not going to give you the "boost" you want. The same goes for anabolics and your body.