Prohormones Cycle - Megavol ect


New member
Hey guys, New to these forums and I couldn’t find a suitable section to post about Prohormones - Sorry if it’s not allowed or if it’s in the incorrect area .. But I figured you guys would have a good idea on them and be of help -

Ive recently bought a stack of Epistane, Trenavol and Megavol prohormones.
They come with a PCT of 6 Bromo but due to the harsh nature of Megavol (Superdrol) ive found this may not be suitable and ive purchased a heap of 20mg Nolvadex for the PCT.

I’ve purchased Blockade by Assault Labs, Liver guard, Various vitamins and minerals as well as taurine to help while on the cycle.

PCT will be running Nolva + 6 Bromo + Tongkat Ali (Test Booster)

Just had a few questions about running this cycle.

Firstly my Specs - 23 Years old, 5’11, 99kg
I do 4 coached sessions a week for Hypertrophy and 2 PT (1 on 1) sessions as well, So training 6 days a week.
Currently on a very strict diet, I don’t drink alcohol.

Recently finished a cycle of Rad140, Mk677, Prior to that LDG5033 and Cardarine.

My questions about the prohormones -

The site I purchased them from says to run it
1-4 Megavol
4-8 Trenavol
8-12 Epistane

I feel like this will be terrible on the liver? Could I get some recommendations on what actual cycle to run? I was thinking just running the Megavol for 4 weeks then jumping on a PCT, Or would I be better off / Would it cause any additional harm following that 12 week plan then doing the full PCT afterwards?
4 weeks of Nolva 1-2 40mg 2-4 20mg / 6 Bromo Dosage
+ Tongkat Ali during PCT

Thoughts please? This will be my first prohormone Cycle.
Sorry I can't help with your question, but I'd like to ask about your SARM experiences.

How were those prior runs with RAD-140 and LGD5033?
No problem hopefully someone comes through and has some information :)

I’ve been lifting for a few years, And I always seemed to max out at 93-94kg, Personally I found the LDG5033 didn’t do too much - But I had my beliefs that it was watered down for resale by this supplement store, Didn’t taste foul one bit compared to one my mate had, so I can’t really answer about that.

The Rad140 and MK677 I’ve been using together, Got 2 x 40ml bottles and been running them everyday, I ate properly approx 3500-4000 calories a day + mass gainer shakes and I put on a lot of decent size.
Within a month I was up at 106kg’s.
So that’s +10kg’s - I had a bioscan done and found that approx 2-3kg’s was water retention (Seemed to get quite a bloat from the MK) but other than that no sides at all - Been sleeping better than ever.
My strength definitely increased a whole lot in all areas and the pumps were insane.
I don’t believe sarms are some miracle, Like anything you need the proper dieting and training plan but I found them to be of some assistance for sure.
Blockade Cycle Support, Liverguard and the Megavol capsules themselves include Milk Thistle :) - Those 3 combined should be plenty
It’s actual Tamoxifen, Don’t think I can post sources here, But I’m located in Australia and purchased it from a UK Pharma with good reviews - Not some weird bottle of stuff labeled ‘Nolva’ :)
Bump - Can anyone help us out with a cycle advice? Dosages ect?

Also I’ve been reading up on some things - Should I purchase an AI like Aromasin in case of Gyno or just run the Nolva? Little confused on that subject. Cheers
I think the site has a dedicated pro hormones section, this subforum is for AAS use.

For preventing getting high estrogen you want an AI.
To combat gyno you'll want nolva.