
hey bud, I think you might want to check out the prohormones section of the forums. you will get more help there

superdrol my friend!

I've tried finding superdrol and no luck where did you get yours from? Is it the good stuff like 3 or 4 years ago? Because I heard the original superdrol isn't for sale anymore. That they have added stuff to the new one.
Isn't this a forum to get help? Yea I might sound like i want all the information but I just want good stuff that works. But if it bothers you sorry then.
epistane or "havoc" as its known is ok for strength and dry gains but probably best to stick with real gear
The few remaining hormones are very mild or don't do crap. I'd recommend epistane or halodrol as those are the two I hear the most about. I'm assuming that they are the most effective based off their popularity. I ran epistane for a little bit and all it gave me was dry joints and mild gains. It seemed to work more like an androgen than an anabolic. Although it would work well with test or another aromatizing steroid as it did seem to have some anti-estrogen properties.

If you can just go wit the real deal.
It's hard to sneak it by when I've seen the same damn thread the last 3 days in a row. Kids these days... Jesus Christ.