Prop 200mg/ml crashing- Dazed's solvent used


I remember reading that someone made prop at 200mg/ml with dazed's solution and it held fine. I made some yesterday, and baked it for 1 hour at 250 degrees. This morning i looked at the vial and there are crystals forming on the bottom. What can i do to remedy this? Should i just try baking it for a longer time, or should i try and add some bb to it maybe? Thanks for any help.

I sent him an email and got this for a response:

"Steroids with a prop ester would be at the upper limit
of solubility at 200, I would shoot for 150. The only
thing to do to prevent crashing would be to lower

I need it to be 200mg/ml to make my prop tren at the right combination. His site says it should make a pain free solution of short ester compounds up to 200mg/ml. I also remember someone mentioning that someone on this site made this concentration prop with dazed's solution. Can i try baking it a few more times. Maybe add some bb to it. Any advice is appreciated.

Baking will help get it into solution, but if it has crashed, it will again.

You need more solvent, bb should help without adding to pain. After adding bb, I would bake and see if that holds.
I emailed dazed to make sure it's ok to add the bb to his oil solvent mix. Ill see what he says and ill update this post when i find out. Thanks

TxLonghorn said:
Why on earth wouldn't it be ok?

I cant think of a reason. But i figured if it was a feasable option, Dazed would have suggested i try that, but instead he suggested i add more of his solution, which throw the concentration totally out of wack as opposed to a little BB which wouldnt harm the concentration too much. Better safe than sorry, yanno.

TxLonghorn said:
Of course he suggested use more of his solvent, lol. It probably has bb in it.

I remember Mr. T saying somewhere that Dazed's oil/solvent solution uses some preety unique ingredients. I personally would rather just add more solvent, and no more oil, ill see what Dazed suggests.
Dazed said it should be ok to use and adding bb wouldnt make it irritating. I am going to try with 5ml bb and see if it holds. Fingers crossed :)

Been a day after adding 5ml's of bb and it's still holding. This is the longest it's held yet. Guess i should keep an eye on it for the next few weeks and hope it stays together.

Just got back from a one week vacation and its starting to crash. Im hoping that when i make the tren to mix with it, ill add a little extra solvent and ill heat the crashed prop and put the tren and prop together and hopefully the little extra solvent will help it hold.
house1 made some 250mg/ml Prop with Dazed stuff. He's giving 300mg/ml a shot very soon I hear.

Talk to him and see what he is doing to get it working so well.
nycee, i had it at 200 mgs without crashing-- it is however forming some crystals at 250 mgs--

what i end up doing is microing it for 15 seconds if crystals are not all gone do it again for another 10 to 15 seconds--

they will dissapear but will eventually come back atleast at 250 mgs per with prop - like i said it held fine at 200--not sure why its crashing on you--

try microing it and go from there-

both my 200 mg per masteron and 250 mg per prop form some crystals--on my inject days i micro it go to the gym when i get home pull out what i need and inject-- it holds for a few days then starts to form some crystals again--

i will just nuke it again get what i need and repeat the process-- no big deal--

its absolutley painless by the way -

i do have cyp at 400 mgs per holding just fine -[painless] its just the short ester stuff like masteron and prop that seem to have a hard time holding-

if you dont want to go through the process of nuking it all the time you will have to lower it but it held fine for me at 200 -- -

hit with the micro and see what happens bro-

also, is it being kept in a cool dry spot-- i find prop and masteron form crystals pretty quick in humid conditions