Prop/Anavar cycle......Final touches

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GQ on AS!
Well, for those of you that read my last thread know that I'm prone to MPB and have decided to go with a Prop/Anavar cycle. I've been on 1/4 tab of proscar for nearly 4 months, along with minoxdil and 5% spiro. and have yet to see any benefits from them. Keeping my fingers crossed though!:) And NO shaving my head is not an option!


QV Prop 100mg/eod
B*G Ox 30-40mg/ed still haven't decided on dose thanks to DRveejay

I will be using r-ala, Tylers throughout the cycle. I'm trying to keep this cycle at a minimum of 10 weeks maybe 12 to take full advantage of the Anavar. Now my goal here is to lose fat and just hold on to my lbm, now if I put on a few pounds of lbm you wont see me complaining!:D Don't want to bore you with my diet but its going to consist of high protein/low carbs with HIIT cardio 3-5 times in the morning.

Now for the big question! If fat loss being your #1 priority on this cycle would you include an anti-a to help with the abdominal subcutaneous fat? If you guys think it would be a good idea I will go with Aromasin just need some feeback on how to properly dose it.

Open to opinions/suggestions!
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Looks like a sweet cycle.....I would go with so letrozole.

Worked great for me when I was dieting.

But on the other hand your not running a signifacant amount of gear.
But it wouldn't hurt.

I will bump for some responses
fatchops said:
Looks like a sweet cycle.....I would go with so letrozole.

Worked great for me when I was dieting.

But on the other hand your not running a signifacant amount of gear.
But it wouldn't hurt.

I will bump for some responses

Thanks bro.! The reason why I'm going with Aromasin is that it doesn't affect your lipid profiles and since I'm already taking an oral...I'm playing it safe. I know that 350mgs/Prop wont bloat me nor am I prone to gyno just trying to see if helps with any of the a.s.f!:D
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Personally i wouldn't run an anti e with that little test. But to each his own, good cycle, i am going to be doing something similar this winter i think.
jcp2 said:
Personally i wouldn't run an anti e with that little test. But to each his own, good cycle, i am going to be doing something similar this winter i think.

Thanks for your input jcp2. I do have mixed feelings about the Aromasin since its fairly strong plus I'm using such a low dose of Test! What brands of Prop/Anavar will you be using?
WannaImpress said:
Well, for those of you that read my last thread know that I'm prone to MPB and have decided to go with a Prop/Anavar cycle. I've been on 1/4 tab of proscar for nearly 4 months, along with minoxdil and 5% spiro. and have yet to see any benefits from them. Keeping my fingers crossed though!:) And NO shaving my head is not an option!

FYI, it may be as long as 6 to 8 months before you notice a change from the finasteride, and the initial change is more likely to be at the crown, if you have any loss there. Don't give up hope, bro, and hang in there. Give it a full year before making a judgement on whether to stop the drugs.
Re: Re: Prop/Anavar cycle......Final touches

buffdoc said:
FYI, it may be as long as 6 to 8 months before you notice a change from the finasteride, and the initial change is more likely to be at the crown, if you have any loss there. Don't give up hope, bro, and hang in there. Give it a full year before making a judgement on whether to stop the drugs.

Thanks buffdoc, I was a little weary about it but will continue to use it even though most of my hairloss is on my temple area. Do you recommend anything for frontal thinning? Also what is your opinion on Avodart?
Re: Re: Re: Prop/Anavar cycle......Final touches

WannaImpress said:
Thanks buffdoc, I was a little weary about it but will continue to use it even though most of my hairloss is on my temple area. Do you recommend anything for frontal thinning? Also what is your opinion on Avodart?

I'd get on some Nizoral shampoo, 3 times a week as well. Frontal loss is a bitch. Depending on age, follicular unit transplantation can do wonders, if you find the right surgeon. and are oriented that way.
Avodart (dutasteride) is OK, same mechanism as finasteride, more potent, longer half life. Possibility of more sides, jury's still out on that. Certainly switching from finasteride won't hurt you, so give it a shot if you want.
WannaImpress said:
Thanks for your input jcp2. I do have mixed feelings about the Aromasin since its fairly strong plus I'm using such a low dose of Test! What brands of Prop/Anavar will you be using?

I am either going to run 600mg of cyp, and 40mg of Anavar (var), or 150mg prop eod, and 40mg of Anavar (var), both would be for 10 weeeks. It will all be supra bro.
jcp2 said:
I am either going to run 600mg of cyp, and 40mg of Anavar (var), or 150mg prop eod, and 40mg of Anavar (var), both would be for 10 weeeks. It will all be supra bro.

Very nice jcp2. Keep us posted.

buffdoc thanks for your input, I looked into the some form of follicular transplant but I wasn't to happy with the fact they needed to cut a strip of hair, leave a scar, and and then implant it around the temple area.
That 's a great cycle know I love VAR...I would stay away from propecia/proscar...and do Nizoral or nioxin instead...just a thought !!!! have fun!
GFI said:
That 's a great cycle know I love VAR...I would stay away from propecia/proscar...and do Nizoral or nioxin instead...just a thought !!!! have fun!

GFI, what brands, doses, results have you gotten from Anavar (var)? Did you use it with other AS?
What's up bro....I have done BTG's, SPA, Hubei, Vasorome.....and powders....I like prop with var......I keep it simple these days.....later
GFI said:
What's up bro....I have done BTG's, SPA, Hubei, Vasorome.....and powders....I like prop with var......I keep it simple these days.....later

Well "simple" is what I'm doing on this one GFI:D hopefully I wont be dissapointed! Quick questions for you. Since you seem to use alot of Anavar, do you think that 30mgs/ed of B*G is a good dose? Also in your opinion how does B*G/SPA compare to other brands of Anavar, dosage wise?