Prostate problems with TRT?

I'm a bit overweight and doing not really much sports...
No, not diabetic.
But is the state since years, since I have kids, and TRT only one year around.

Yes, could be all negative. This is why I'm asking about eperiences of other TRT users.
I've been dealing with prostate issues for years.

It actually started a year before I went on TRT when I contracted an acute prostatitis out of no where (I was 49). I had it treated and then the next year went on TRT at 50. I gradually began to notice increased frequency in urination/waking up at night. Went to the doc and the diagnosed it as BPH which is very common in men in their 50's. Things started getting worse so my urologist began trying a bunch of different meds. didn't notice any benefit and had horrible side effects.

I did some research and at 52 went and had a Prostate Artery Embolism done to shrink the prostate. improvement was minimal. Went back to the urologist who kind of shrugged his shoulders and said I had nonbacterial prostatitis which means he had no idea what was going on.

I then did more research and considered getting a Focal Laser Ablation done. got a workup for it and the doc (best one in the world is in Houston) ordered an MRI to get a good look at the prostate. And lo and behold, my prostate was normal. SO the cause of my problem was not my prostate. By now I was 53.

I did further research and concluded that possibly I might have pelvic floor issues. Discussed with the urologist (after he tried me on even more drugs) and at 54 went to get treatment for pelvic floor tension. I decided to stop the TRT to make sure it wasn't contributing to my problem. I am currently in treatment with a physical therapist and for the first time, I am noticing some improvements. She thinks the cause of my problem is actually my lower back mostly believe it or not. She has me doing a bunch of stretching exercises and muscle release, and looking hard at things that might disturb my sleep such as my mattress.

Last night I got 7.5 hours of sleep and only woke up once which is huge because its been a long time since I've done that. So I think I'm moving in the right direction

The sad thing about all of this is how little my urologist really wanted to help. His approach was to just throw different drugs at it. (and TURP was mentioned as well) All the investigation into my issue and steps taken to find an answer were done by me.
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Ok, surgery is done with much success! :D
The prostate itself was really normal with 26ccm, only the middle lobe was enormous growing into the bladder neck.
So I don't think the hormones were playing a important role in this case.

I can really goor pee now again ... lol ... but, ejaculation is flowing now backward into the bladder... urgs!