protein powder


New member
howdy howdy

im on holiday here in the states, from Aus, but im after a powder with no flavorings or additives just a good protein powder no fillers, no crap like aspartamine (if thats how you spell it)

thanks heaps guys
I hate GNC but thats the only place Ive ever seen a tasteless protein with no fillers. They advertise it as protein to cook with.

Sorry I cant remember the name, hopefully this gives you a place to start though.
thats cool, yeah back home we get this one but its too much of a hasle getting it shipped to the states. i should have come pre prepared i guess. but wasnt planning on staying this long here.
I'm sure there are places you can buy that kind of protein online. I just use the standard stuff (flavored), so I've never shopped for it. But I think you can find plenty of places online to buy it that will give you a better price than GNC.