

Iron Man
is it worth my while to buy protein online over going to the store and buying it?>?

i live in mississauga , canada.. so i dunno what the shipping would be.

also .. you think optimum nutrition chocolate is a good 1 to buy>? i jsut finished using mammoth 2500.. i want something that mixes well and i don't have to take a friggen 235g serving lol .... claims the shipping from their cyberstore is extremely quick, and I've seen their prices and they're not too bad either...And as for optimum nutrition protein, it's quite a good brand...I've heard good things, but I just went out a bought a 4.4 kg bucket of mammoth...Carrying it through the mall afterwards was a bitch, but this is my third bucket I've gotten (got two 2.2kg containers in the past) and I still love the stuff!
How much of the mammoth were you taking per day? 235 grams in a day isn't bad at all if you're taking it 4 times a day...So it really depends on what you're trying to do. If you're trying to bulk up, I advise you stick to the mammoth, its given me great results for that.
I absolutely love Optimimum Nutrition's 100% whey chocolate mint flavor. It tastes great, mixes well and it taste like thin mints cookies. had the best price and it arrived in less than 3 days.
i really get turned off taking protein shakes.. so what i did with mammoth was cut the serving in half .. and jsut took it after i workout...

but maybe i could try spliting it up for a while. but another bucket of it.. and yeah, im trying to BULK up :D .. what flavor do u have.. i might wanna try chocolate.. because i ahve never tried anything other than vanilla ( im not a huge choc fan though.. but if it taste alright.. maybe change would be good :d )
1 tip for you, go for the chocolate!
I went through pounds of different brands of vanilla flavoured whey protein supplements, and never found one that I really liked...When I started bodybuilding, it was initially to get lean and more cut. So I tried to avoid eating high fats and calories, but that quickly changed, and I tried "pro-sport" whey protein in the chocolate flavour and couldn't believe how much more I enjoyed the shakes than all the others from the past.
So anyway, I then wanted to be getting a good 3600-3800 calories a day in my diet, but found it quite hard to do while eating only quality foods and not any junk or that sorta shit.
So i say for now you give mammoth another shot, in a different flavour and if you like it, then as said before, its a great way to add 1000 calories to your diet without eating a ton of extra food. That's my 0.02
haha alright josh .. u convinced me :D ima head out tommorow for some price hunting (learn that shit from my mom)

thanks for everyone's help :D