proviron and masteron increase effectiveness of test?


not a wigger
You read that proviron and masteron increase the effectiveness of test in a cycle because these two compounds bind SHBG leaving more free, active testosterone.

As we know, often what makes sense in theory does not translate into real-world results. So my question is, do you find that you get better mass gains on a test cycle when you add proviron or masteron? I am talking mass gains, not looking dryer or leaner, etc.

-I was understanding that proviron was useless for building muscle-even though it is a steroid it is used more for gyno during a cycle and MABBE post cycle also-google proviron and read all about how it works-I have read
that proviron+nolvadex=0.00 gyno-I think nolvadex blocks estrogen from mainly your boobs and the proviron keeps the gyno from forming at
all-but do a little research to back up the things I just talked about-
-if you find more/better info than I have found please let me know because I was really thinking about it in my next cycle it is not very expensive
either I don't think but sometimes hard to find-I have heard of whole countries
being out of proviron-
Yes, proviron by itself is next to worthless for building muscle. But the theory is that adding proviron or masteron to a cycle with test increases the effectiveness of test because the proviron or masteron preferentially binds to SHBG, leaving more unbound test for muscle building.

That is the theory. I'd like to know if this is what people really experience in their cycles.

-thanks a lot for the info you found on the proviron!-
-I will ask buddies if they have or know of anone that it has worked for to get over the plateau-but I have never heard this before(which does'nt mean it is not true) that's why I will ask around for you about that-anyway thanks and good luck!-
best wishes!