Proviron quality update


Lift this for me
ok its been two weeks now and no libido increase..... nothing at all..... im willing to pm a moderator with information on where i obtained this from so i can save another bro on this board from a headache of wasting his $$$.

unfortunately which really sucks for me now IS i just met a girl and i could not perform at all because i have zero libido... none... i really like her.... i now regret ever using aas in the first place.... but im here this is what im dealin with. please no comments about using cialis, that stuff only works to fix plumbing issues, ie high cholesterol and BP.... mine is a hormonal issue....

any mod willing to help a bro out?

only thing im expecting in return is....some feedback *if* this guy has known quality issues... thanks!!
proviron isn't a magic libido pill, some guys don't get much boost from it, some don't get any.

Just because you didn't doesn't mean its bunk. Its used for other things like dryness, hardness, SHBG decrease, etc.

I don't know if you have an agenda, but i think you're going about this the wrong way. Honestly, you should do a source check before you buy shit... not after.

But again, it may be fine. Proviron isn't designed to fix hormonal issues.

Did you have blood work done after your PCT? Estrogen? Prolactin?

You don't need a MOD... you need to know what you're doing before you do it and any consequences.
This is not a pill bro, its powder....

I have tried proviron, via pill and powder...a decrease in SHGB would be synonymous with an increase in free test.... let me elaborate, the amount of test i am taking is spilling over into estro that is what is killing my libido. IF test cyp is greater that 400mg a week bloat and libido decrease happens. i can run a gram provided proviron is available.

No hidden agenda here bro, ive always handled my own business... took my lumps and ate tons of $. However im getting tired of finding out the hard way.

Stating i had hormonal issues was misleading.... with my protocol of use proviron is a must this is what i wish to continue.

Did you have blood work done after your PCT? Estrogen? Prolactin?

i am currently ON....

You don't need a MOD... you need to know what you're doing before you do it and any consequences.

Ive been doing this for 10years brother... im sure you have been longer.

if im going about this the wrong way, which IS the way? all i have ever done was read the boards from time to time, this is a first time posting
This is not a pill bro, its powder....

I have tried proviron, via pill and powder...a decrease in SHGB would be synonymous with an increase in free test.... let me elaborate, the amount of test i am taking is spilling over into estro that is what is killing my libido. IF test cyp is greater that 400mg a week bloat and libido decrease happens. i can run a gram provided proviron is available.

No hidden agenda here bro, ive always handled my own business... took my lumps and ate tons of $. However im getting tired of finding out the hard way.

Stating i had hormonal issues was misleading.... with my protocol of use proviron is a must this is what i wish to continue.

Did you have blood work done after your PCT? Estrogen? Prolactin?

i am currently ON....

You don't need a MOD... you need to know what you're doing before you do it and any consequences.

Ive been doing this for 10years brother... im sure you have been longer.

if im going about this the wrong way, which IS the way? all i have ever done was read the boards from time to time, this is a first time posting

first of all, proviron has very low anti-e effects IMO, so you're taking the wrong thing if you're worried about aromatization.

Second, being ON is fine, you can still get BW done, this is a must to ensure your E2 isn't sky high, or adversely in the tank, which is also bad.

I think you are putting too much stock into Proviron's effect and need to add an actual Aromatase inhibitor (AI).

As for bloat, 95% of that comes from a shitty diet structure and lack of hydration.

Again, not saying you're not correct, just saying I think you may be looking for something that ain't there.

btw, since its powder, I'm assuming you are either putting it into a oral suspension or capping it right? If so, show us the conversion and how much you are taking each day. Maybe you fucked something up.
listen in no way shape or form am i messing anything up with any conversion, if i want to yeild a 6week 50mg/ml dose id use 2.5grams in a 44ml container....there are online calculators for this, its suspended in olive oil btw...

we seem to have digressed... the question here is the quality of the chemical "powder" im using thats all....

i have real world experience with real stuff... quality proviron within 3-5days will make any normal guy horny...

as of last night i just found out the dbol i am taking is bunk.... not to mention i i just mixed up a batch of mast and test and took that as well.....

so now not only am i ingesting unknown chemicals from china at this point, i have also injected it!

i never bothered ever asking anyone for help i usually learn through trial and error and $$.... however i never had this problem and gave the benefit of doubt to honesty and quality of someone i never met.

thing here is im willing to disclose who/where so i can save someone else grief.....

listen i feel like im being treated like an invalid with comments question me messing my conversions up....5th graders can do this.....

look i know im new here... how can we expedite this process.....

ive read on this board a similar complaint as well as someone else complaining about the quality of products comming out of china.

ive competed before not professionally now i just do this as a serious hobby, and this is really setting my goals back.

thanks for your help
well, are there any mods here that have decent knowledge of what im going through?

i really do not know who to ask.

also....... i had my father get blood work done.

as i suspected his test level came up Low.

i had the doc check his total free and bound.

total test level was 600ng/dl but the reference range for free test came up low... however the doc told him he is fine.... the doc happens to be a friend of mine.... i told my dad to ask him about trt....but the doc polluted his mind saying he will get a stroke......

at any rate, i wanted to approach my old man and have him get on some cyp, but fuck this shit coming from china... there is no way now im giving this stuff to my dad. 61yrs old and open to the idea....but i dunno even know what im takin now.... anyway.....

who do i ask about a source chk..... im concerned about my health now.. prolly injected lead... god knows chinese love puttin lead in about that baby milk to? ya know they executed that guy!! i bet the next guy to run that company wont ever do that! or any others....
well, are there any mods here that have decent knowledge of what im going through?

i really do not know who to ask.

also....... i had my father get blood work done.

as i suspected his test level came up Low.

i had the doc check his total free and bound.

total test level was 600ng/dl but the reference range for free test came up low... however the doc told him he is fine.... the doc happens to be a friend of mine.... i told my dad to ask him about trt....but the doc polluted his mind saying he will get a stroke......

at any rate, i wanted to approach my old man and have him get on some cyp, but fuck this shit coming from china... there is no way now im giving this stuff to my dad. 61yrs old and open to the idea....but i dunno even know what im takin now.... anyway.....

who do i ask about a source chk..... im concerned about my health now.. prolly injected lead... god knows chinese love puttin lead in about that baby milk to? ya know they executed that guy!! i bet the next guy to run that company wont ever do that! or any others....

ok dude, you went way off track with that one. ur on your one here. good luck.
there such thing as high jackin your own thread?
yes i went off track sorry, ill attempt some pm's to mods
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