PSL gear is fueling my cycle log


New member
Whats up guys? I'm starting my next cycle in a few days and I'm using PSL test,deca,winny and Aromasin.

I have never used winny before so I am looking forward to that. And I have always used arimidex for E2 control but I will be trying out aromasin. I am not happy with my lipid profile while On and I want to see if the aromasin can change that.

Anyway, this is my log, I will be posting pic soon and like I said, I will be starting my cycle in a few days.

Test 600mg
Deca 500 mg
Winny 50 mg
12 weeks

Heres a lil porn while ya wait!

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Looks good buddy. What is your goal for this cycle?

Basically , I want to keep some mass, and loose a point or two on the bf%. Im looking to see what the hardening effect of the winny has on my look.
I will be weighing in tomorrow morn and then posting up pics shortly after. Monday is kick off!
Will do square!

I forgot to post my weight.. Im at 193-195 and Im guessing my BF% is between 12-15%
I started a day early.
One thing I am psyched to report is that I used a 29 g slin pin to inj the winny and it didnt get clogged. I have a friend who has been doing this with the same gear and he told me to try it out. This is great !
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One week in and feeling good! I have been pinning the EP winny in my delts using a 29 g slin pin and its a smooth operation, does not clog, makes things go a little easier. I feel stronger already.
The test & deca are just as smooth, I use a 22 g needle to draw up the oils and a 25 g to shoot and let me tell ya , it flows ez !

Things have been a bit hectic with my sched lately and I really have to come up with some creative times to get my training in. Like the other day I was hitting it at 4 am! I know alot of you guys prob would say 4 am is when you always train but not for me! But the point is , is I wont be stopped , I will get my workouts in when I have to.
2 weeks in. So I have run test & deca before but this is the first time using winny. I have to say that feeling the increased strength gain from the winny is awesome! I was used to having to wait for a few weeks before you "feel" anything with the longer esters but with the winny inj you get that strength boost much sooner!
Good news, 3 weeks in and strength is up and already starting to get more vascular. I do believe this is going to be a good run!
Post #7 I said I want to get more leg development. Lol , I know I dont read every post either!

Today was a good leg day, Squats, hack squats,leg press, extentions and curls and of course calves...... I have never been one to neglect legs and I have tried it every way, heavy weight, light weight, train once a week or up to 3 x a week. Bottom line is I was born with chop stix and I gotta continue to work and never give up.
As far as my cycle is going I think things are looking good. I have put on a few pounds and strength has been going up.