PSL gear is fueling my cycle log

Whats up guys, its 4th of July weekend and heres my update. I went to the beach yesterday with my family and met up with some friends who we dont get to see often. I took my shirt off and got a lot of compliments from everybody. Of course one joker had to make fun of my pale skin (Im not a tanner) LOL. I said he was looking good, nice tan, skinny arms,bird chest and beer belly!! Lol. He just gave me a pissed off stare. I guess thats my higher test levels talking.

Other news, I am chasing my wife around the house like a horny 19 yr old. I am seeing more vascularity , and Im seeing it in my legs which I never really saw when just running test by itself. So Im thinking its the deca or the winny or both. Im catching some shoulder pain and elbow pain during my pressing work so I had to lower the weight and do more reps until it passes. Sucks! Sometimes I get lucky and can add more weight but it all depends ...
Leg training is going great. I am able to hit legs every 4 days because I recover so much faster.
Im running winny at 25mg EOD so this is a very conservative dose and Im loving it!
Update: I came down with something and the past 4 days I have been shot. No training. I think I trained 5 days ago and hit legs. The next day I was doing yard work and I cut the lawn , a few hours later I decided to go out on my bike for 20 min of cardio. I came back and about 2 hrs later wham! My throat was sore and I had that post nasal drip going on. So I usu have allergies but a litt le nasal spray takes care of it. But I think between cutting the lawn and then opening up my lungs to the pollen in the air on my bike ride I screwed myself.
I was thinking of getting in a light arms and chest day but with all the anti-histamine im on and the winny my tendons are prob dry as shit and its not worth it to get hurt.
Im 41 now so I gotta think that way!
Had to go to the dr this morn. I have a sinus infection so as soon as the anti-biotics start working I should get back to normal right away.

So I have been continuing with my cycle and at least I have the aas to help me maintain while I get over this. I havent been eating as much but my weight is up thr now!!

Dr weighed me in at 205 early this morn. I was wearing a t shirt and shorts and a pair of light sneakers. So thats prob a lb or 2 so I figure my weight is around 202-203. My starting wt was 194 so 9 lbs in about 6 weeks.

Now , looking at my stomach I may not have lost any fat like I was planning. My abs look slightly less visible than when I started. So I gotta tighten up my diet for the rest of my cycle. But I definitly look bigger and have managed to get some growth on my legs which is is always a tough part for me.

Even tho Im sick and have had shitty sleep the past 4 nights I can still feel the aas giving me that edge. I still have that pumped up look with some nice veins popping out.

I will be posting up my blood work soon.
Whats up guys? I got some HGH last week and I have been pinning 2iu 5 on 2 off . I was nervous about spending so much so I bought a little bit. I took 10 iu and had labs done 3 hrs later and it was looking good at 24.3! So I ordered more. I will be running a separate log on that. I should have started it sooner to go with my AAS cycle.

Ok so my sinus infection is cleared up and I had one shitty workout then a second that was better and today I hit it hard. Still went light with high reps but I definitly had to hold back. I was feeling very strong on dumbell bench. I was just a little crampy. I am noticing some cramping everyday now and I contribute that to the winny. I am going to do cardio 2mrw and then monday I am back on track full force. I need to make up for lost time from being sick! I lost at least 8 days and these past 3 workouts were basically at maintainence level so I gotta get to work.

I will say that the AAS Im on has kept me in the zone throughout the entire time!
Update: Cycle is going well and strength has been going up. Had a killer shoulder workout yesterday. I just kept getting stronger as the workout progressed, I had that animal feeling and I had to actually force myself to walk away. I could've stayed all day!
Also I have been working on my legs and calves. Calves are a bitch and I honestly cant say they have grown significantly but you can certainly see a little more shape and definition and veins. My quads are looking better and my hammys are still lagging but have some progress. My wife commented that my glutes are harder and feel and look bigger and I would take her word on that cause well you know, shes my wife lol!
Update: Cycle is going well and strength has been going up. Had a killer shoulder workout yesterday. I just kept getting stronger as the workout progressed, I had that animal feeling and I had to actually force myself to walk away. I could've stayed all day!
Also I have been working on my legs and calves. Calves are a bitch and I honestly cant say they have grown significantly but you can certainly see a little more shape and definition and veins. My quads are looking better and my hammys are still lagging but have some progress. My wife commented that my glutes are harder and feel and look bigger and I would take her word on that cause well you know, shes my wife lol!

I love that feeling too it calls for chow down after. I hope you post progress pictures because you have a nice body to build on and you're already lean. Theres no way you won't look amazing!
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I love that feeling too it calls for chow down after. I hope you post progress pictures because you have a nice body to build on and you're already lean. Theres no way you won't look amazing!

Yes, Im gonna get some pics up soon. Maybe in a week or two.
I weighed in ystrday at 205-206 !! Holy shit my weight shot up! For a while I was just stuck at 198-200 and couldnt budge. I decided to eat more and wham about 2 weeks after calorie increase my weight is up. I step on the scale morning, after my 1 hr bike ride (I dont do this all the time) and later after dinner and that was what the scale read all 3 times.
Since I mentioned the bike ride..... I uded to ride alot but hardly touch it now. My cardio has been 10 min jump rope and 10 min stationary bike and 10 min of kicking (in case I need to kick someone in the head one day) and thats it. So I set out for a 30 min ride that ended up becoming a 1 hr and 15 min ride. I couldnt believe how strong my legs were! They were so tight and pumped and I was flying! I noticed I did get winded faster but my recovery after climbing a hill was fast as ever!
No doubt thats the winny doing its thing.... wow good stuff!
Yesterday I decided to change up my training a bit. I superset pull ups and dips , 10 sets of each and then immediatly went out for another bike ride. I kept the ride shorter this time and just cranked hard for 30 min. I took a route that gave me a few small hills to climb and rode them standing up and pushed hard. My legs were so frigging strong I couldnt believe it!! When I came back home I felt so great , like I was on high. Its raining out today but I may go out again cause I have been eating too much!
I weighed in ystrday at 205-206 !! Holy shit my weight shot up! For a while I was just stuck at 198-200 and couldnt budge. I decided to eat more and wham about 2 weeks after calorie increase my weight is up. I step on the scale morning, after my 1 hr bike ride (I dont do this all the time) and later after dinner and that was what the scale read all 3 times.
Since I mentioned the bike ride..... I uded to ride alot but hardly touch it now. My cardio has been 10 min jump rope and 10 min stationary bike and 10 min of kicking (in case I need to kick someone in the head one day) and thats it. So I set out for a 30 min ride that ended up becoming a 1 hr and 15 min ride. I couldnt believe how strong my legs were! They were so tight and pumped and I was flying! I noticed I did get winded faster but my recovery after climbing a hill was fast as ever!
No doubt thats the winny doing its thing.... wow good stuff!

Now you figured out your body was just begging for them and you jumped weight. Your body is ready for more make sure you bring it! Don't forget the TAURINE!!
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Now you figured out your body was just begging for them and you jumped weight. Your body is ready for more make sure you bring it! Don't forget the TAURINE!!

I was cramping up like crazy a week or 2 ago and I added in taurine, magnesium, potassium and sea salt to my water I drink. That and just maintaining cardio and daily sxtretching Im feeling good!
Update pics

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9 weeks in and I have made some conservative gains. I am not happy with my abs, I put on a little fat. Im not sure if running the winny was right to do because I should have less fat not more!! But I do think that it would be worse had I not run the winny.

I need to post up leg pics cause that was my main concern, esp. my calves. I have developed my calves more. They have more shape and a little bigger which I am very pleased with. My entire legs have built up nicely from this cycle more. Im taking advantage of the AAS im on to actually do a light leg day and a heavy day in the same week and I always feel strong and not over trained.
Whats up guys? This cycle is rockin along here! Im not sure if I will wanna come off! Been getting alot of compliments and people are noticing my increased size. My good buddy whos been away for a while on vacay (also using PSL ) was shocked when he saw me. I was shocked when I saw him too , he's the size of a linebacker!
When you say deca I assume you mean actual deca and not npp? You'd have really good results to run it another 4 weeks my brother. The time your quitting is just the time deca starts throwing lots of quality meat on ya an additional 4 weeks may yield you a pound of muscle a week. I ran it for 14 weeks at 500mg a week once. Best cycle to date man I broke every pr I ever had. If you're about to be out of winny you could grab some furuza 50 from a supplement shop, it's very comparable to winny. And by looking at your pic you've added a very good bit of sirloin to that frame, I'm trying to be a good influence and tell you to keep going.
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Haha! Ya dont have to twist my arm! Only prob is I have dr labs coming up in early Oct. , I needed the month of sept to clear out. But I could always try to push off my labs till end of oct and maybe let the cycle ride another 2 weeks.
Got some photo updates here. My legs , esp my calves are a tough nut to crack. Been training them hard and frequent but now I have some tendonitis flaring up in my left knee so I have to back off. Sucks!!
My calves may not be so impressive but compared to what they were and how I got them to grow this much in a relatively short time gives me hope that I can get em bigger.
Lets hope!

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