PSL stands true..............


New member
Just received my long awaited PSL order. It never made it to me, and it was re shipped just as they stated so hats off to those guys. May the growing continue!
I'm totally digging all this PSL gear coming in. I know DBOL and suspension is gtg. Waiting to have deca and test to hit full speed. Congrats brother
Heres a little note bout psl..... My buddy had to go see his dr and do blood work so he finished his cycle and went down to 200mg/wk using psl. He waited 4-5 weeks and did his labs. His dr flipped out at T levels above 3000! He then realized he fucked up his dosing. He should have been taking a half ml 2x/wk but was taking a full ml 2x/wk! So instead of 200mg a week he was doing 400mg! And his T levels were above 3000. So I was glad to see those numbers despite my friend is an idiot!!

Im sure your wondering what my friend said to his dr.... His dr prescribed at 200mg 1x/wk..... he told him that he read taking your dose at 2x wk was better so he tried it out. The dr asked did you cut your dose in half and my buddy played it up that he forgot to do that. The Dr bought it! But now the Dr thinks hes dealing with a real dumbass.
Heres a little note bout psl..... My buddy had to go see his dr and do blood work so he finished his cycle and went down to 200mg/wk using psl. He waited 4-5 weeks and did his labs. His dr flipped out at T levels above 3000! He then realized he fucked up his dosing. He should have been taking a half ml 2x/wk but was taking a full ml 2x/wk! So instead of 200mg a week he was doing 400mg! And his T levels were above 3000. So I was glad to see those numbers despite my friend is an idiot!!

Im sure your wondering what my friend said to his dr.... His dr prescribed at 200mg 1x/wk..... he told him that he read taking your dose at 2x wk was better so he tried it out. The dr asked did you cut your dose in half and my buddy played it up that he forgot to do that. The Dr bought it! But now the Dr thinks hes dealing with a real dumbass.

my dr pop me on a random a while back because he was going out of the country. I had been on cycle for 4 weeks. He called me and said "Sooooo your test level were high....But I'm sure you're fully aware of that. When I get back I Want more bloods." All I could say was "uhm yeah ok...."
my dr pop me on a random a while back because he was going out of the country. I had been on cycle for 4 weeks. He called me and said "Sooooo your test level were high....But I'm sure you're fully aware of that. When I get back I Want more bloods." All I could say was "uhm yeah ok...."

Lol, yeah I had almost the same thing happen recently. My doc wasn't quite as understanding. Damn if he didn't half my TRT dose even after I fessed up. I have plenty of BW to show PSL does my T levels right though, and it seems to be just as potent as my TRT PH stuff.
Just received my long awaited PSL order. It never made it to me, and it was re shipped just as they stated so hats off to those guys. May the growing continue!

That's great to hear... I've always had a 100% success rate and heard the same from many others as well...

And just like in your case where an order does get seized - I've only heard of PSL catch'n the ball, and throw'n it right back at ya... "no problems at all." :D

Keep us posted on the cycle!
I'm getting quite frustrated my package sitting in customs for over 2 weeks and it took 2 weeks for it to even be sent, would've never ordered if I knew it was going to take this long....

I've never had a problem before... however this instance is really piss ing me off
I'm getting quite frustrated my package sitting in customs for over 2 weeks and it took 2 weeks for it to even be sent, would've never ordered if I knew it was going to take this long....

I've never had a problem before... however this instance is really piss ing me off

I hear ya man. Customs put a lock down on my last gear for a while. It stayed in the sort facility for days, BUT PSL did get my order out extremely fast. Had a tracking number, but once it hits customs, kinda came to a halt.
I'm getting quite frustrated my package sitting in customs for over 2 weeks and it took 2 weeks for it to even be sent, would've never ordered if I knew it was going to take this long....

I've never had a problem before... however this instance is really piss ing me off

If you are having an issue send me a private message and lets talk. I don't remember how fast your order went out but I don't think it took 2 weeks?

USPS is taking its sweet old time with the holiday season being among us! Santa's cookies would ofgone stale by now ;)
PSL did me right. My first shipment was seized, got letter after 3 weeks in customs.They reshipped out next day, arrive like 10 days after
I have yet to have any packages get held up in customs, but I'm confident is PSL to take care of me in the event it does happen.