PSL Sustanon 500 is SMOOTH as all hell


New member
I started it on Monday, in the afternoon I almost had to think if I took the shot at all because I felt nothing

Took my 2nd one today and felt no pip what so ever.

How long do you think until this kicks in?

I also plan on using cytomel, should I want till the test is in full mode.
Sus always kicked in quick for me, with the 4 different testosterones and all. You should notice sexual side effects fairly quick. Maybe weight/strength gains the second week?
Thanks for the feedback on the post injection pain.

With the product being dosed at 500 milligrams there was some doubt going on, when I reported that there was no post injection pain.

Yet again Euro Pharmacies has made a product that outshines other Sustanon brands.

-*This is achieved by using the highest quality raw materials they can find and by using Euro Pharmacies own synthetic pharmaceutical grade carrier oil.*-

Why else would this product be painless? Its made with quality materials.

Give it a few weeks and you will notice weight gain. By that time all of the products esters will have taken affect.
I am not surprised by this at all. PSL can take pip out of Suspension, they can take pip out of anything. Looking forward to trying the sust 500 myself
Thanks for the feedback on the post injection pain.

With the product being dosed at 500 milligrams there was some doubt going on, when I reported that there was no post injection pain.

Yet again Euro Pharmacies has made a product that outshines other Sustanon brands.

-*This is achieved by using the highest quality raw materials they can find and by using Euro Pharmacies own synthetic pharmaceutical grade carrier oil.*-

Why else would this product be painless? Its made with quality materials.

Give it a few weeks and you will notice weight gain. By that time all of the products esters will have taken affect.

My goal is quality weight gain while losing fat..

I also started using your Cytomel today 50mg for the first few days then 100mg for 5 weeks then taper back down to 50 mg.