ptc drugs,******


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?I am about to make a transdermal test prop.I j know everyone frowns on this method however I have a needle phobia and just cannot inject. I would like to have the test recovery drugs in hand before I start this first ever cycle.I am a newbie at this so I don***8217;t really know what to expect.. I heard transdermal test prop made from synovex H is painful?
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Far as pct drugs nolvadex and clomid are the tried and true. Do you know how toxic transdermal test will be in your liver?
Please read up the beginers cycle guide threads at the top of the forums.
Best to just take the pain of pinning which degree varies in everyone and do a standard testosterone c, hcg, Ai (arimidex) cycle.
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I will try the needle method.makes me queasy thinking about it lol.i have access to the synovex h so it’s going to be a homebrew test prop..I had blood work done by my dr.and my test checked..he won’t prescribe test for me but he basically gave me the idea about synovex h.I am not sure what testosterone c hcg so means also I have read the sticky above and it’s pretty straight forward.I am a 53 yr old male.i am in the gym everyday so do I inject before a workout or after or does it matter?
I don't think you want to start pinning test prop on your first go. That would be an awful thing to do bud...

Keep doing your research. Your questions will get answered..
I will try the needle method.makes me queasy thinking about it lol.i have access to the synovex h so it***8217;s going to be a homebrew test prop..I had blood work done by my dr.and my test checked..he won***8217;t prescribe test for me but he basically gave me the idea about synovex h.I am not sure what testosterone c hcg so means also I have read the sticky above and it***8217;s pretty straight forward.I am a 53 yr old male.i am in the gym everyday so do I inject before a workout or after or does it matter?
There are beginners cycle sticky threads at the top of the forum that have excelent info on how to do a proper first cycle. Please let us know if you have any other questions or doubts.
I am reading all kinds of conflicting information.diffrent sites and people say diffrent things.makes things confusing.ive read the stickies on here and have reasarched the web.please tell me why test prop is no good for a newbie first cycle? All I hav access to is test prop and fina.some info says to take an Ai during cycle.start pct two weeks after the last pin and clomid is all you have to take for a month.another school of thought is just do the cycle of test prop and pct with clomid and nova. Still another train of thought is take HCG during the cycle , PCT with clomid only.some info out there says to pin test at a low dosage and ramp it up till mid cycle than taper down to the starting dosage.there is also info out there to do 300,500, or 600 maybe 1000 mg a week .there are no precise,unanimous ways to do a cycle.anything I do is going to be home brew, so I am reading about all that too thank god there is pretty uniform information on conversions everyone is basically in agreement about that process
I am reading all kinds of conflicting information.diffrent sites and people say diffrent things.makes things confusing.ive read the stickies on here and have reasarched the web.please tell me why test prop is no good for a newbie first cycle? All I hav access to is test prop and fina.some info says to take an Ai during cycle.start pct two weeks after the last pin and clomid is all you have to take for a month.another school of thought is just do the cycle of test prop and pct with clomid and nova. Still another train of thought is take HCG during the cycle , PCT with clomid only.some info out there says to pin test at a low dosage and ramp it up till mid cycle than taper down to the starting dosage.there is also info out there to do 300,500, or 600 maybe 1000 mg a week .there are no precise,unanimous ways to do a cycle.anything I do is going to be home brew, so I am reading about all that too thank god there is pretty uniform information on conversions everyone is basically in agreement about that process

Edit... I totally missed you're afraid of needles. I was the same, my PT injected for me but it felt dirty and I manned up... I suggest you man up to bro!
What i wrote below feels bit bloated now lol..

I would guess its because of the pinning frequency needed with prop and having to cycle different muscles. If you're fine with ED/EOD pinning there's no harm in using prop. (Please correct me someone if im wrong)
You will need to take an AI with any test ester to control estrogen for one, dosages depends on how much test you inject.
If you use test prop you will start PCT after 3 days from last pin. It all depends on what ester you are pinning.
You want to use HCG to prevent balls from shrinking and help with recovering.
You can take clomid and/or nolva.
You dont want to taper dosages and keep stable blood levels, otherwise you're values such as estrogen will be bouncing all over the place.
Nobody can decide for you what dosages of anything you want to take. Standard is 600mg/week. You can read the study on difference between 300 and 600 test per week in the sticky.

On this site its pretty unanimous on the ways to do a proper cycle. Specially the recommendation in the beginner sticky.
Its all there in the beginner sticky, please read it, its there to build a foundation of knowledge for you, so you understand the why's and not going on X advice from Y source.
While you're at it read 3J's diet sticky too. :)
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Is there an alternative to HCG? I don***8217;t have access to it and it***8217;s expensive.I plan on getting Clomid and or Nolva.
I have a cart of test prop and research says I should get18 grams of test prop from conversion and I am thinking that will be enough for a entire cycle.Another thought on the HCG comes to mind.why is there so much controversy about it? One says you don***8217;t need it another will say it***8217;s a must have.Is .is HCG a fairly new compound as I don***8217;t see a lot of people using it
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Is there an alternative to HCG? I don***8217;t have access to it and it***8217;s expensive.I plan on getting Clomid and or Nolva onlne through Canadian pharmacy***8217;s,I hope they sell legit shit.I have a cart of test prop and research says I should get18 grams of test prop from conversion and I am thinking that will be enough for a entire cycle.Another thought on the HCG comes to mind.why is there so much controversy about it? One says you don***8217;t need it another will say it***8217;s a must have.Is .is HCG a fairly new compound as I don***8217;t see a lot of people using it

hcg is a must in every cycle. that is the law.if you dont see alot of people using it then your hanging out with misinformed folks.
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Is there an alternative to HCG? I don***8217;t have access to it and it***8217;s expensive.I plan on getting Clomid and or Nolva.
I have a cart of test prop and research says I should get18 grams of test prop from conversion and I am thinking that will be enough for a entire cycle.Another thought on the HCG comes to mind.why is there so much controversy about it? One says you don***8217;t need it another will say it***8217;s a must have.Is .is HCG a fairly new compound as I don***8217;t see a lot of people using it

Have you found an alternative to HCG yet cus?
Is there an alternative to HCG? I don***8217;t have access to it and it***8217;s expensive.I plan on getting Clomid and or Nolva.
I have a cart of test prop and research says I should get18 grams of test prop from conversion and I am thinking that will be enough for a entire cycle.Another thought on the HCG comes to mind.why is there so much controversy about it? One says you don***8217;t need it another will say it***8217;s a must have.Is .is HCG a fairly new compound as I don***8217;t see a lot of people using it

Let me know if i can help you with your cycle brother!