Puffy nipples ( o Y o )

I'm putting the tren cycle on hold for a while.

Yesterday was my last shot. Gunna call it before it gets worse. Have my pct ready to go.

Not like they are huge or anything, just seem a little puffy.

Thought I wouldn't need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cuz I was fine on my first cycle of sust and deca.

Lesion learned.

Maybe this was there from the 1st cycle and you just didn't notice it? Did you use any caber or prami either?

Hopefully you get this sorted out man. Its a good lesson learned but like I tell my daughter all the time but its from us Ology folks...We're here to help you avoid these mistakes. Plenty of us have made them and more. We're only trying to give you the roadmap to navigate the waters that no one else gave us. Its up to you to take the info and apply it.
Considering I only have 1.5 wells left on cycle could I start my tamox during cycle and finish the cycle ?
Yes I use tamox on cycle if a flare up occurs. But it won't count as pct until 3 weeks after last shot.
Ok just to be clear.. using a serm on cycle is ok..but is not an excuse not to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). So make sure from now on you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from day 1.