putting another cycle together


New member
hey dudes i still on the cycle of test and tren and insulin and i was 235 and now at 249 and loving every bit of it and this is the 3rd week.

i was think of putting another cycle together i want to keep the tren and insulin in a cycle but i was think of a cycle of test and deca and tren and insulin what do you guys think of that??

i almost got gyno from test and dbol when i stop the dbol it went away but does that mean if i add tren and deca together i will get gyno from that too???
ive never done it myself but i have heard some say that combining tren and deca can give gyno trouble , but as i said this is just something i read and not fact
Good old EQ. I don't know why anyone would even bother with Deca other than availability.
winny will put on lean mass. just dont expect too much. most of its effects are only visible if you are very lean as it hardens the muscles. a lot of people still like deca and it typicaly puts on more mass than eq. id say try it. theres only one way to find out what works for you.
i was think of running a cycle in the winter with test and tren and deca and insulin and for the summer test and tren and winstrol for a good old cutter what do you guys think of this cycles??
what is the best thing i can use to stop gyno from even happen to me on the winter cycle and what can i take for my nut for the winter cycle to get the to work again???

i was planning on using slin after the cycle to help hold on to the gains for a post cycle so my nut start to work again...
for the winter cycle keep the deca low, around 400 mg's its very unlikely that dose will givce you gyno. then have letro and nolva on hand incase you start to get itchy nips. id take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ) every 5 days at around 750 iu's to keep atrophy from even setting in. that will make post cycle recovery faster. using the slin post cycle is fine. its what i would do. summer cycle looks fine too.