PWO Shake before cardio.


Almost Famous
I'm currently cutting, and have some oatmeal + protien shake 1 hour before working out. During my workout, I sip on TrueProtiens Fast Recovery mix which is

30% Maltodextrin
30% Dextrose
25% Hydrolyzed Whey Protein High Grade
10% Glutamine Peptides
5% Branched Chain Amino Acids.

How detrimental is having this shake right before I hit the treadmill? I know PWO is essential.
Its not horrible, just not ideal. Id rather be doing split sessions with cardio in the AM (pref on an empty stomach or maybe a little whey prior) and train later in the day.

If you must do it the way you got it now, its not too bad.
if you are going to do cardio PWO, no more than 20mins at a time, IMO. Id save the PWO shake until then and not sip during training.
Preworkout I would switch the shake to a whole food protein source to go with the oats to sustain you longer.
Well i was taking the PWO before cardio because I wanted to give my muscles the insulin right after training, but now I drink it after my cardio session.