Q and A with Dr Matt - IncreaseMyT #1 TRT Clinic in the World

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IMT Staff
Hello Dr Matt I am very excited to be able to sit down and speak with you about testosterone replacement and what you see with IMT Patients. I hear you were an emergency clinician for 15 years and your big on preventative health. Do you mind giving me and the readers a short description of your time in emergency care?

Dr Matt
I began my career as a teacher, teaching young docs how to do what we do. After about 2 years I moved into private practice and eventually into administration becoming a Medical Director and Chairman for about the last 8 years. In my time as a clinician I routinely dealt with the common emergencies like strokes and heart attacks as well as a host of problems related to diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol. As an administrator I worked with other physicians to promote patient care as well as with administrative leadership to set and achieve departmental goals. I became very accustomed to both identifying patient expectations and exceeding them.

Click the image below to read the full interview!!!
