quad/hammy routine

old timer

brazilian jiu-jitsu guy
what do you guys think of this routine for thighs:

quads: barbell squats 2@6-8
barbell lunges 2@10-12

hamstrings: lying leg curls 2@10-12
stiff-legged deadlifts 2@6-8
My legs, I do one quad and one Hammy exercise.

Hammies are Rest/Pause Sets (unless it is SLDL)
Quads are 2 set of 6-8, then a heavier set of ~4

Find what works for you and stick with it. Once the results stop, then looks to make some changes. If it isn't broke, don't fix it!
old timer said:
what do you guys think of this routine for thighs:

quads: barbell squats 2@6-8
barbell lunges 2@10-12

hamstrings: lying leg curls 2@10-12
stiff-legged deadlifts 2@6-8

looks fine.
Any good leg routine will focus on squats and deads, so that is a fine routine now how hard you work out is going to be really important.