Quality Vet raising their prices

QV cost prices are up for sure but only by a small amount....however its the retailers who are taking the opportunity to inflate their prices on the SMALL cost increase.....its these retailers that could actually hurt the QV production in the future if they try to rake the consumers too much for too long.

oh well. Let supply, demand and prices dictate direction.

The Terminator said:
As cheap as it is I could care less if it goes up a few dollars (when its only $75 for 50 ml. jug of enanthate anyway). There is some advantages to living in So. CA. again... [/QUOTE

Man, I hate you West Coast guys!!! :)
I was kind of hesitate to even try the ICN's because I was having good results with the QV Enan., but I am sooooo glad I did! ICN's are the best, I don't know if I will ever use any other Test again! I am on my 4th week and my gains have been incredible!
Iam also pretty sure ICN will, if they are not already, being produced again. As far as QV, underground labs in my opinion are a much better deal and a better product, I am running supra tren and prop right now and couldn't be happier, the prop is painless, and the tren rocks.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I was kind of hesitate to even try the ICN's because I was having good results with the QV Enan., but I am sooooo glad I did! ICN's are the best, I don't know if I will ever use any other Test again! I am on my 4th week and my gains have been incredible!

Good to hear, I've got 60 coming...that'll last me a whole 10 weeks...:D