Question about alcoholism, depression, and anxiety


I am currently a recovering alcoholic and currently on meds for depression and anxiety. I don't plan to use AAS for a while but am here to learn more about them and depending on how my recovery is going and where I'm at mentally I would like to try a cycle in the future. I am extremely devoted to the bodybuilding lifestyle and would like to compete eventually. I've heard that AAS is addictive from some sources, and other sources say they are not. What are your thoughts? Is there anyone hear that has struggled with alcoholism/depression/anxiety that use gear that would like to share their experience?
I am currently a recovering alcoholic and currently on meds for depression and anxiety. I don't plan to use AAS for a while but am here to learn more about them and depending on how my recovery is going and where I'm at mentally I would like to try a cycle in the future. I am extremely devoted to the bodybuilding lifestyle and would like to compete eventually. I've heard that AAS is addictive from some sources, and other sources say they are not. What are your thoughts? Is there anyone hear that has struggled with alcoholism/depression/anxiety that use gear that would like to share their experience?

Gear can be very addicting, especially if u have a history of addiction. You would want to be VERY cautious
I spent years on drugs and now clean 5 plus years. I'm 1/3 way through first cycle. I feel amazing. That said I concur with following statement. Physically I'm not addicted like with heroine but I have grown very fond of feeling and being a strong person.
I am a stimulant and gear junkie. I love pinning, and taking shit. To me, it's very addictive, hence, why I blast and cruise and will never come off.

If you have depression and anxiety problems, you will have to be careful with what you use, but also about coming off of them. A lot of people do not do well when coming off of steroids during their post cycle therapy (pct). Clomid can make you an emotional trainwreck, so take everything into consideration before starting.
I have struggled with alcohol and cigarettes all my life. Did my share of drugs as well. I'm 49 now and clean of that shit. I have always been the type that had to have some kind of addiction. some of us are like that. I have trained off and on all my life as well, only to fall off back on the booze wagon.
But right now, I'm addicted to the transformation that is going on with me. The progress i have made in 7 months is awesome in my eyes. I honestly didn't believe it myself till I had others take a look at the pictures. Yes, gear can be addictive as well. I love fucking placing an order and waiting for it to show up in the mailbox only to have a go at some of it. So, please be careful. Stay off the booze and get on a strict diet and training program and reap the benefits.

Good Luck,
Unless you plan to cruise and blast thus avoiding post cycle therapy (pct) crash I'd stick with HGH, igf's

I only recently cut back my drinking too. About 1L w/o day, lol. I chew too...I decided to cut out BID 100mg ephi ECA stack to avoid an MCI.
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hmmm. I have to say Juice just took the words right out of my mouth. I was a very heavy beer drinker. Pretty much missed the whole drug train cause I wasn't interested but I guess you could consider me a functioning alcoholic. I drank every night, got off work Id have a few beers on the way home plus a few at home. Now for the last year, I really don't know what happened. I found my love for the weights again. As Im older its harder to recover. I now have a few beers on a Sat thats it. I eat well and even hit cardio. Being on cycle has helped to discipline me. YOu have to take the good with the bad.
akol, read around here...
A lot of people use steroids (and the iron work) to self treat their depression, anxiety, lack of drive and energy. The same way, like behind mostly every alcohol addiction their is some sort of anxiety and depressive disorder. So you would just replace one drug abuse with another.

My personal suggestion is, to first come close to your genetic limits. Good training and nutrion, consistently over years, no matter what your career or privat live is doing. Bosses and partners might come and go, your training and nutrion must stay. THEN you can decide wether you want to push the limits or not. Then you have learned enough about your own body and how it reacts to various training and diet regimes. Only then you can get full benefit from steriods, meaning getting the most out of it. There will be side effects, the question is, how much positive effects can you squeeze out? You would not want to have sides and only a mediocre result.

But that is all ahead of your time right now. You have not even recovered from your current addiction. If you speek of devotion to that lifestyle yes... I can understand this. That's why I think true devotion does not need enhancement. True devotion will give you enough motivation to stick to that lifestyle and give you good gains, making you even more devoted to chicken breast, brown rice and iron. (;

When you reach your limits, you can still decide, if you want more or if you can settle with it. But first recover.
akol, read around here...
A lot of people use steroids (and the iron work) to self treat their depression, anxiety, lack of drive and energy. The same way, like behind mostly every alcohol addiction their is some sort of anxiety and depressive disorder. So you would just replace one drug abuse with another.

My personal suggestion is, to first come close to your genetic limits. Good training and nutrion, consistently over years, no matter what your career or privat live is doing. Bosses and partners might come and go, your training and nutrion must stay. THEN you can decide wether you want to push the limits or not. Then you have learned enough about your own body and how it reacts to various training and diet regimes. Only then you can get full benefit from steriods, meaning getting the most out of it. There will be side effects, the question is, how much positive effects can you squeeze out? You would not want to have sides and only a mediocre result.

But that is all ahead of your time right now. You have not even recovered from your current addiction. If you speek of devotion to that lifestyle yes... I can understand this. That's why I think true devotion does not need enhancement. True devotion will give you enough motivation to stick to that lifestyle and give you good gains, making you even more devoted to chicken breast, brown rice and iron. (;

When you reach your limits, you can still decide, if you want more or if you can settle with it. But first recover.

Thanks for all the replies! I am going to wait a while (if I ever even do end up using AAS) until I reach my max natural potential and am in a good place mentally, emotionally, etc and have someone that I trust to help monitor my behaviors. I am definitely still recovering from my alcoholism... I was a bottom-of-the-barrel drunk. I still struggle with post acute withdrawals every once in a while but things are getting better. I am actually eating chicken and brown rice as I read your post sporty :D. This is the first time in my life that I've lifted, been sober, AND maintained a super-healthy diet and the gains I have made just in the last few months is more than the last few years of training so it is definitely helping me with my recovery mentally!!!

Reps for all!!!
I'm getting the trend that there are A LOT of Bro's that unless we lift and pin shit would otherwise be alcoholic, smoking
I am currently a recovering alcoholic and currently on meds for depression and anxiety. I don't plan to use AAS for a while but am here to learn more about them and depending on how my recovery is going and where I'm at mentally I would like to try a cycle in the future. I am extremely devoted to the bodybuilding lifestyle and would like to compete eventually. I've heard that AAS is addictive from some sources, and other sources say they are not. What are your thoughts? Is there anyone hear that has struggled with alcoholism/depression/anxiety that use gear that would like to share their experience?

First step is to recover and gain confidence, do some workout regularly. The simple fact of moving will give you self confidence. Leave aas for later. Just my 2 cents.
First step is to recover and gain confidence, do some workout regularly. The simple fact of moving will give you self confidence. Leave aas for later. Just my 2 cents.

I agree with everyo e. Watching the transformatio is addicting. I used to be a heavy drug user and the exercise is the only thing that got me to stop was the gym. Like previously stated waiting for that product to come in the mail and getting it I just want to start my cycle right that second.
How are you doing now ? Better I hope.
I am currently a recovering alcoholic and currently on meds for depression and anxiety. I don't plan to use AAS for a while but am here to learn more about them and depending on how my recovery is going and where I'm at mentally I would like to try a cycle in the future. I am extremely devoted to the bodybuilding lifestyle and would like to compete eventually. I've heard that AAS is addictive from some sources, and other sources say they are not. What are your thoughts? Is there anyone hear that has struggled with alcoholism/depression/anxiety that use gear that would like to share their experience?