I first want to ask a question? What would the difference be if any, if you either a) sat down and ate 6 whole eggs, 1cup of oats, 1 banana, 1 scoop of whey, and 1 cup of skim milk, or b) just blend the exact same ingredients above into a yummy shake giving you 108g carbs, 77g protein, and 33g fat and just wolfed it down. If not why don't more people just blend their food and get it over with in about 1 minutes time. Is the bioavailubility of a raw egg any different then a cooked egg. If it's all the same why don't more people just drink their food. I was gonna try to drink four of these a day and have a little bulking experiment. I also like to not eat as often when I bulk because when I do it just speeds up my metabolism and makes it that much harder to put on quality weight. I don't really enjoy eating a lot, I would rather just get it over with. I admit I will probably along the way start to crave a good hot cooked meal and if I do I will just sub it for a shake, no biggie. I mean whole eggs are the most complete form a protein aren't they so they sound to me like a perfect canidate for the experiment. You can't beat oats for great carbs, and the fat from the eggs will only help in the bulking process. It will be a little over 4000 cals a day and I weigh depending on the day any where from 185 to 195 with a bout 8-10% bf, so I need them cals because of my high metabolism. I think the only x factor in this shake would be the high amount of cholesterol I will be consuming on a day to day. But if this makes a difference high cholesterol doesn't run in my family, I don't have high cholesterol now (27yr old) and I have heard cholesterol isn't too greatly influenced by one's diet as much as it is by other factors. Thanks and I would appreciate ant advice from any one on the subject of this bulking experiment.