Question about carbs and EFA's


New member
I was just wondering why isnt it good to mix ur fats and carbs in the same meal? for breakfast I usually like to have a chicken, egg and avocado sandwich on a whole wheat roll and maybe some oatmeal or sweet potato hash browns.
Because if your eating every few hours like you should be. Your body will always use the carbs first for energy so carbs + fat= Carbs being used for energy fat being stored.

Body only uses carbs and fat for energy and always carbs first.

Thats why carb depleted (empty stomach) and to a lesser extent (PWO) cardio is preferred.

BTW: While its a good practice to follow all the time, its not as bad when your bulking.
I also must add that the fat will slow down your digestion. Leading to inadequate usage of the carb's which might equal fat under certain constraints.