Question about Meal replacements


New member
Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself. I am new to the board and have been reading many threads on this forum. You guys seem to really know a lot about various subjects in bodybuilding.

I am now trying to get back into shape and have decided to back to eating 6 meals a day. I am not interested in bulking up. I am interested in leaning out and getting into the shape I was in a year ago.
I went to my local nutrition store to buy some champion nutrition meal replacement packs since I do work and dont have time to cook six meals and the dude who works there told me that I should buy some protien powder instead. He said that protein powder and a multi vitamin would work the same as a meal replacement but it would just cost me less... He claims that the only difference would be that the mr has more carbs and that if I wanted carbs all I had to do was ad some skim milk.. Is this true or is this guy full of shit??
yea hes pretty much right, but id add ground oatmeal instead instead of milk, especially if youre trying to lose weight. The carbs in milk are simple carbs, not really what you want throughout the day.

the place in my sig sells great protein if youre looking for a place to get it. you can make custom mixes too.

this is also something im going to get one of these days to add to my shakes that i drink in between classes when i dont have time for a meal:

Ive actually thrown broccoli and lettuce in the blender with my protein and oatmeal, or protein and olive oil...but i dont really recommend it unless you can stand the worst tasting beverage ever.
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MRP's work badass for me. I quit using regular protein powders cause my body reacts much better on mrp's and gainers. Of course it's always better to eat actual food as much as possible
adidamps2 said:
must not watch WSM
thats how they all get jacked like that...met-rx is the sponcer
yea they are all over WSM, but thats about the only place ive ever seen their name or products in the past 5 years
There is so much other stuff in a good MRP that a vitamine and protein wont fill.
But a MRP wont be good enough as a meal replacement, not if you have some good weight to you.
Suareezay said:
yea they are all over WSM, but thats about the only place ive ever seen their name or products in the past 5 years
if you ever wonder into a GNC you still find their products in the back of the
its fun to go into GNC or other chain stores like them and hang out for a few minutes to hear them sell products or discuss shit with they might as well have monkeys selling their products in those stores.
Bast said:
There is so much other stuff in a good MRP that a vitamine and protein wont fill.
if you want to be really nit picky about it, yes, some MRPs have things like NAC, BCAAs, creatine, or something along those lines, that over the course of a year, may help you produce an extra .01" of mucle in a certain bodypart. But all it comes down to is getting in that protien, carbs (or fat) and some vitamins/minerals.