Question about test/deca/dbol stack, and other options.


Senior Member
I know a test/dbol/Deca is a good stack and have heard that eq might be a good replacement besides deca if i didnt want to go that route, is that correct?

Also any other good stacks with a test/dbol?
Have seen Test S, deca and dianabol in action. A friend ran the cycle the gains were unbelievable its a very good stack. Don't know about the eq thought.
The more you take, the more youll grow.

Youll also be more susceptible to side effects and such.

Start low and slow and add compounds or increase dosages as you go.

1st - test
2nd - test and oral
3rd - test and another inject
4th - all 3

Ive been messing with this shit for years and Ive never used more than two compounds at once and never used more than 725mg per week of TOTAL gear.

Diet will get you a lot farther than another 200mgs.
it's 2020, why are people still running stacks like this?!

Whats wrong with test,deca and dbol for a stack? Im actually running those three right now. All low dose though, it keeps the sides pretty much nonexistent. 250mg test e ew 250mg deca ew
And 25 mg of dbol. I got my hands on some of the better dbol I***8217;ve had in quite a while, the nice thing is I won it from a contest on another board.

I used to run higher mg on all the different compounds Ive done in the past and sure I grew a little faster but had way more sides. Low dose is the way to go.
This is a time tested and effective stack.

If you look at all the steroids they were discovered decades ago, so there is nothing new under the sun regarding 2020 - with the possible exception that there is more availability due to internet sales.
The more you take, the more youll grow.

Youll also be more susceptible to side effects and such.

Start low and slow and add compounds or increase dosages as you go.

1st - test
2nd - test and oral
3rd - test and another inject
4th - all 3

Ive been messing with this shit for years and Ive never used more than two compounds at once and never used more than 725mg per week of TOTAL gear.

Diet will get you a lot farther than another 200mgs.

The more you take the more you grow, just stay on top of your labs and dialed into your ai brother.
Yes,dibol, deca was the stack of champions. Lol....really I would do it. I don***8217;t know how much you plan on injecting but the dbol is gonna real hit you hard. I***8217;d say get a AI just in case too