Question about TRT dose increase on cycle


New member
Hi all,

So i eventually got my trt sorted after around 6 months of feeling like shit, not training through depression and going from 210lbs 12%bf to now 180lbs and 26%!!, My dose is 200mg cypionate every 7 days and even after only being on 4 weeks i feel a million times better, I feel stable and everything works and im back in the gym, So what i want to know is how much should i push the test up on a cycle of tren ace - 75mg eod and mast prop 100mg eod? Thanks in advance guys i need to get myself back and all help is appreciated.
You should get your TRT dialed in before considering a blast. Are you being treated by a doctor or self-treating?
You should get your TRT dialed in before considering a blast.

Im only asking for the info in advance too Megatron im not about to start f-in myself up again before i have stability back lol ;)

Just start by reading the Sticky Threads in the Anabolic Forum. That will give you a good foundation and then start reading posts other guys put up. Over a little time it will all start making sense.
Congrats on helping fix yourself. Sounds like me awhile ago. Megatron is right, get dialed in the trt and diet, get consistant at the gym, read a bit....then make an informed decision. Lastly, find a better, more male originated doctor.