Question..... Concerned!!!!


Seasoned Vet
I saw a post a week or so ago about a lab being busted in the states with a video. The video showed a couple that were producing what I assume were fake replica PSL products. I now cant find this thread. Is this something we should be worried about.
What are you asking to be worried about? Worried about ordering from PSL? No, not anymore worried than you would be with any other source.
What are you asking to be worried about? Worried about ordering from PSL? No, not anymore worried than you would be with any other source.

On this site ive read nothing but great stuff about psl. I just saw the video and it was two bumpkins that got popped and their lables were psl. I cant find the thread right now.
Shit gets faked. People are about the dollar bill. In this biz be happy u got a hook up. They come and go.
Thats funny that this thread is brought up, as was was just on EP official site & under the "latest News" section it says scammer alert, then goes into describing that topic involving a fake website.
order international. problem solved. from the official psl. im running psl now and i no way shape or form is there any problems from begining to end.
hill billy want to be cowboy amateur hour dumbasses

got g would alert ya ll asap if this were even close to affecting, misdirecting, US, the other boards. etc.

those dumb fuck s were gonnna try to sell/peddle ( street corner newsstand tactics) and base it on psl ad s and rep/customer service.

standard counter-feit/ marketing swindle steal----101.

Stupid...from where I ve sat..... laughable even

If you order from PSL itself, there is no problem. There were fake Intel CPUs going around for a bit - but if you bought your CPU directly from Intel itself there was no chance you were ever going to get one of the fakes. Just buy from the maker of the product and you will always get the real deal. It really is that simple. Now, that does not mean the maker of the product is not trying to rip you off...but PSL is a good group, so no worries about that from them. :)