question for chip


New member

considering my estro was at 109.. at 2.5 mg ed of letro how long will that take to effect it? these results are 3 weeks old now so its gotta be a little lower right?

i have another dr apoint 2 months after my last one. im gonna get blood work again and try jus running the letro and see what happens.

also i wanna make sure i got this right, how this works is i am smashing my estro down and starving the gland of estro resluting in the lump shrinking right?
To answer your question, Howdy....

There really is NO concrete answer to your question. Yes, conventional wisdom would lead us to believe that your estrogen levels should be lower than they were when you started the Letro. Any time you shut down the Aromatase enzyme with a drug like Letro, the existing estrogen will then work its way out of the body hence, the reduction of lumps, changes in body composition due to lowered estrogen levels, etc. Given the fact that you are very young, and not YET a client, I need to be very careful about giving you direct advice but, 2.5mg ED for, IMO, any longer than a week, is WAY to much for WAY to long. Even a dude my size would probably do ok at like .75mg ED.

The only way to know what your levels are is via blood work. Obviously, if the lump is shrinking, than something is working and I feel you are on the right track. As a friend, NOT AS AN Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) CONSULTANT, I warn you.... The second you start to experience blurred vision, moderate to severe stabbing pains in your joints, consistent cramping, etc., YOU ARE CRASHING HARD! In that event, if it were me.... I'd back off the Letro for one to two full weeks. I'd let my estrogen come back up naturally, a bit, till the side subside, then I'd go back to it. Its not always carved in stone that you'll get rid of a lump on the first attack. But thats if it were ME.

And yes, your understanding of how the drug is working in your system is correct. GOOD LUCK YOUNG JEDI!!!!!!
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