question for mr 3j


I am banned!
question for mr dtone

You posted a diet on here a few weeks ago, it was a four week aggressive cutting diet. First week was cleaning it up, second keto, then it progressed to keto and pro/veggie days. I am having trouble finding the thread.

I am currently running the diet and i like the results, im in week two. I think the reason it works so well is the weekly progression.

Anyways, when you do the protein/veggie days are you running just carbohydrate free green veggies, or all veggies including stuff like carrots?

And are you using carbs pwo after week one?

I am using the diet to prepare for my next cycle in 6 weeks, i like a little wiggle room to gain a little fat on cycle.
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You posted a diet on here a few weeks ago, it was a four week aggressive cutting diet. First week was cleaning it up, second keto, then it progressed to keto and pro/veggie days. I am having trouble finding the thread.

I am currently running the diet and i like the results, im in week two. I think the reason it works so well is the weekly progression.

Anyways, when you do the protein/veggie days are you running just carbohydrate free green veggies, or all veggies including stuff like carrots?

And are you using carbs pwo after week one?

I am using the diet to prepare for my next cycle in 6 weeks, i like a little wiggle room to gain a little fat on cycle.

I think you are referring to dtones thread called 25 lbs in 25 days.