question for you docs (especially Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) docs)


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question for you docs (especially TRT docs)

I've been doing 100mg/wk Test for about a year now on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and everything is going great.

I just had my last blood test (on the day before my injection) which came back 980 ng/dl (out of 300-1000 norm). My doc says it's too high (?) and needs to be lower.

Is my doc wrong to say this?
It sounds like you are in the safe range so.....looks good to me.
He is probably trying to get ou down to the middle range because you are in the top % of this!

That's a good test level for that dose bro. Thats good news. I'm not suprised on the response. I think some are very picky about making sure your not over 1000, others are not. For me, the determining factor would be if your lipids & other bloodwork is in good shape. If so, I don't see the harm in it, especially at that low dose.
The "issue" was that the lab gave the Total Testosterone range maximum as 832 (not 1000 as I had thought). So my 980 stuck out like a sore thumb in the results.

Oh well. I'll just "forget" to take my shot the week before my next test...
HRT or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is used to bring levels up to a normal range. It is not used to induce steroid like levels.

Although you are not extremely high, you are close to a level that is too high. Remember there are ther factors that the Doc has to monitor and side effects he might have to combat.

980 is great for you, but it is not where the Doc wants to see you. I wouldnt be surprised if he wanted you in the 6-700 range
I must say, i hate doctors like yours. The reason is, is that he is not treating the patient, hes treating the numbers. Instead of going off of how you FEEL ,hes going by your test score which is wrong. I know some guys who feel like shit around the 600-700 range, you cannot go by the numbers in all cases, if you feel good, and you feel normal then keep that dose.
Looking for guidance or other post on TRT.

I am currently on TRT prescribed by a Doc. Would like to add more to it Like dboll etc.

My question or concern is if I add something else will it show in my blood work and if so how could I manage this ?
15 year old thread, congrats.

Some things will show in your blood test, for example more testosterone would of course show up. Deca, NPP, or tren will give a false high reading on testosterone on the non-LCMS test (standard test).

Dbol can drive your estrogen up, so can show up in a different way if you don't manage with AI. Others that aromatise will be the same, but to a lesser degree than dbol.

Depends on what compound you want to do.
I would/do add what I want. Just stop before getting blood work. Pay attention to half lives to make sure it clears before bloodwork. With short half lives monitor your estrogen as it may take longer to drop.............^^^^^^as tank stated above