Question on GHRP-6 and GRF1-29 peptides?


New member
I'm getting my stuff soon, I read the boards about when not to eat before and after taking the pin. Was wondering I will do it first thing in the morning, which I will be on an empty stomach, but can I take a post shake after training and then do another shot afterwards? Or do I have to wait for 30-60min after I take my second pin after my workout.

Which I hear from reading the boards it makes you very hungry. Not sure how my body will react. This will be my first Peptide cycle and I'll take it at night before going to sleep. Or should I also wait a bit after my pin then hit the sack?

I'm going to do this for 6 months three times a day every day. (Starting May 1st)

I'll start another cycle end of next month (May 21st). Which I will be doing
Dbol 6weeks
Tren 10 weeks
Test C 12weeks.
HCG 10 days
post cycle therapy (pct) Nolva 40/40/20/20 Though I may cruise and skip post cycle therapy (pct) all together.

All While taking these Peptide injections three times a day.

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

I have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but never had to use it once while on cycle.
I cannot advise use of these peptides by humans. They are for research only but I will say that the need to pin on an empty stomach theory has been disproven by bloodwork. Just 3x a day anytime will work.
I know that, its for rats. Or if US humans want to try them just like steroids. I hear many people saying they don't advise roids. But we do it anyway. Any how yeah I guess empty stomach before and at least 30 minutes after injection. Morning, Afternoon, and bedtime. Thanks though for the input.
Ok but like i said the food thing has been disproven so there is no need to go through the hassle of planning it around meals and shakes.