Question on long term TRT


New member
I may start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), levels are pretty low... but I have a question.

I know that the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will raise my levels, hopefully to optimum levels (though not beyond that)... if you stop the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I assume yoru levels go back down, but is there a risk that once you start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you hurt your ability to produce the amount of test you were before you started?

I know for long time hard core steriod use that can happen but I didn't know if moderate testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) could do the same.
here is my take on it, you can always stop, and at first, your levels may go down lower than they were when you first start testosterone. The only trouble is once you feel what it feels like to have normal levels of T, you will figure out how miserable you have been all along and wonder why you were fretting about injecting.

The trouble with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is that once you start, its usually for life. So if your levels are just a little below 500, it might be a good idea to think twice about starting.

is your dick working?

That is why I started, along with the high blood pressure, diabetes, low grade depression. and don't forget hot flashes. the hot flashes were the reason I got my doctor to do it. my test levels were 287-342
Yes your levels will go down after the discontinuation of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Even at TRT
dosages 100-125mg per week will suppress
your natural output of test.
The longer your HPTA is interrupted,
the harder it is to get back working correctly. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is for life. I started it
recently. It's one of the best decisions I have made for my well being.

I may start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), levels are pretty low... but I have a question.

I know that the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will raise my levels, hopefully to optimum levels (though not beyond that)... if you stop the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I assume yoru levels go back down, but is there a risk that once you start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you hurt your ability to produce the amount of test you were before you started?

I know for long time hard core steriod use that can happen but I didn't know if moderate testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) could do the same.
wow that really makes me think about this...

there could be a myraid of reasons i would stop after starting.... maybe some other health issue came up or I had some bad side affect from it and needed to stop or it was a financial issue..

Plus the thought of sticking myself at least once a week for life or twice a week really if you take test and then a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot in there somewhere.

Again not going into this thinking about starting and stopping but wanted to realize the issues if something came along and gave me a reason to stop.

I mean if I start having massive hair loss from taking it,,, I would probably want to stop...

anyway, thanks for the answers... it really gives me pause.
It may make you go bald faster, there are medications for that, but it is a risk.

What I have noticed about the needles, is that once you are on the test, things in general hurt less. Everyone who has been on it for a long time talks about using really small needles. I am still using the big honking needles that I got from the pharmacy, and I inject my thigh. Most of the time I don't feel the needle. I will get smaller needless when I run out of the ones I am using now.

This is important to realize, because there will be some stupid doctor that tells you to stop for whatever reason...


and the cost of the testosterone should not be an issue, 10ml, 200mg/ml, costs $60 without insurance, that is 20 weeks at a good starting dose of 100mg a week. That is $3.00 a week.

the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and arimidex is also fairly inexpensive.

What is costing me a lot of money is seeing a highly trained specialist because I need to keep my fertility up.

I have seen anecdotal comments about people making more money while being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I have found that to be true also. Making money just gets easier.
Question about HCG.

My insurance covers my Cypionate, and I bought generic Arimidex for next to nothing from 4Rx international pharmacy. But, I'm having trouble finding HCG. Chip sells it, but it's kind of expensive going through him if that's the only thing you need. I'm trying to get my doctor to give me a script, so my insurance will cover it, but so far no luck. It seems stupid to make an appointment with an endo just to get him/her to add a small amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to my regimen. :(
is this self-prescribed or thru a doc? Have you done juice before or are youre levels low naturally? And if you have done juice before, when was your last cycle and did you do a baseline test?
I kept hearing on here that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is for life. That is not true. If you did cycles in the past and didnt run a good post cycle therapy (pct) then you might need to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life. If your body can no longer produce T by itself then you probably need to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life, but to say (in general) once you get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) its for life is not true.

Ive spoke with two experts recently about this very topic and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is not a 100% "For Life" thing. Its very possible you can be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 4-6 months, run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on Therapy and then go off testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and get your body to produce its own T again.

With that said, while being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) your T levels are going to be higher than not being on it and once you get off testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) your levels will likely lower, but that doesnt mean you have to be on it for life. People that throw out a statment like "once you start TRT....its for life" is not true and scaring off people that could really benefit from it.
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