Question regarding drug testing


New member
So my investigator finally clears me for July's class, NYPD. They will be testing for steriods with a hair sample, which dates back 90 days (that how far they will test up to, 1 1/2 inches). I am 6 weeks into a Test-E only cycle and I would like to hear what people think. My obvious thoughts are stop immediately, and do my PCT (clomid/nova) in 3 weeks from now and call it a day. Please let me know what you guys think.

*Oh and I am aiming for the drug testing to take place the ending of June.
You should be fine. No way they can accurately test HOW MUCH testosterone you got. They are probably looking for illegal AAS like trenbolone.
Get blood work done and see where your test score lands. You can easily find out the"normal" range for you age with little research. Keep it high in that range but do not blow past it.
It's metabolites they look for as well as possibly test:epitest ratio. I'd get off NOW, unless you want to risk losing a career opportunity. Better safe than sorry in my book, and you can always go back on once the job is yours.

My .02c :)
Shaving-no.We look and pull from another spot. The hair on your head has the least metabolites left as of shampoo s and soap and other thing...sun salt water etc. Hair is hair is hair. They COULD PULL ONE OUGHTTA YOUR NOSE.

THE TRAINING you will get w NYPD is top grade.

Talk to my friends at in Az. They have an IM box and I say full disclosure. They sell a 1 and 2 part hair shampoo system that I used. I was 3-0 vs Coast Guard when I was off shore; 2-0 in family court. It s 150.00 plus but well worth it. If you must stay on use it prior to physical. Early that morning as the metabs on gear s half life is not like blow, 3 days meth 3 days etc. The metab s will be there always BUT not enough of the trash (metabolites) will stick to the hair follicle.

And only the follicle is alive and get s blood..the hair on your head..out of the scalp does not soit is a : recorder; of thing s you did last night 3 day s ago last week 90 day s ago. And they cut real close to the scalp and 1-2.5 inches.

contact asap.

I always s say...

Contact asap as they do not ship to certain states. May need to get creative.

1 st time I did it and went and paid a lab to test it 165.00; but I passed. Prep properly pilgrim.
I taught drug testing 101 for the US School Crossing Guard back in the day. Can t have no f d up quards letting dem chillin s be walkin in no traffic boyeeeeee

OP I got they re panic # if you need it but do not procrastinate

One very short esters but definitely pre test ur self. Were talking about possibly the PREMIER POPO Acad in the country.
Halfwit is right. I didn't know hair testing was so cutting edge.

Detection of testosterone and epitestosterone in human hair using l... - PubMed - NCBI

Just come off for the test. Give it a few weeks to clear out before the test. There are calculators online that give you an estimate of the life of test esters in your blood. This varies on the person's metabolism and actual potency of the steroid which you cannot guarantee, unless it's pharmaceutical and even then it's not 100%.

Regardless, once/if you get into the police force, you're going to be popping Dbol tabs into your morning coffee. These guys JUICE.

Teutonic is right, they basically warn you to get off. A random test is a different story.
Get blood work done and see where your test score lands. You can easily find out the"normal" range for you age with little research. Keep it high in that range but do not blow past it.

That would work, but as halfwit stated, they check test;epitest ratio. This can prove that your serum testosterone is from an exogenous source. SCIENCE BABY
Yeah, that's how they catch MMA fighters. TRT is banned, so even if you kept your levels at 200-850 ng/dl they could still catch it.
Fair enough, I took my last pin this past Wednesday. I really hope this comes through because it's been a grueling process to say the least (especially for an 8 year MP war veteran that's "suppose" to get some level of preference). Thank you all for your input. I'll return back in early July. Regards.