Question regards first time Clen run

Thx babe comment away lol, I dnt mind

well.... O.k. Personally If I could I would show you how to post pics so you could make me a calender with a different picture of you for each month:eek2:....atleast for starters. Oh Damn and bikini season is coming up!! :blue:
Im not getting any younger and ive got too do something too try d look good its almost bikini season

I hear ya on the not getting younger part! Also i'm pretty sure you dont have to try too hard to look good. If so I need to get my eyes checked:eyes:
Teasing the boys... Lol... They are full of test and get excited about everything.... You may be asking for more than advice...
My phone is tripping out lol. Anyways ive got ten pounds to go so im sure thisnext next cycle will do the trick

try not to run clen for that long all at once... rotate... stack it with ECA... do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.... plus the stack will act similarly to keto and clear your receptors.... so you don't shut down and create more problems.... but really, if you only got 10lbs left then you should be able to do it with cardio, weights and food... no need for sups... 5'6 at 115.. that's not healthy even at a small bone build.... you should be at around 130-135.... plus depending on your goals in the long run and how you want to look.... but you are pretty much my size... there is no need to go under 130....
try not to run clen for that long all at once... rotate... stack it with ECA... do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.... plus the stack will act similarly to keto and clear your receptors.... so you don't shut down and create more problems.... but really, if you only got 10lbs left then you should be able to do it with cardio, weights and food... no need for sups... 5'6 at 115.. that's not healthy even at a small bone build.... you should be at around 130-135.... plus depending on your goals in the long run and how you want to look.... but you are pretty much my size... there is no need to go under 130....
Thank you so much for the advice
Hey guys I'm new here, but I've been lurking for awhile soaking up as much info as possible. I just have a question or two about the Clen run I have planned for late march.

First, Let me give you that stats and goals.

As of right now, I am natural. I have not run any PHs or real gear because I definitely believe I have more gains to make before I add in the sauce :naughty: and I don't want to risk damaging my HPTA by starting too soon.

Currently, I lift 3x a week Tu-Thur-Sat
primarily heavy compound movements (dl, bench, weighted pullups, and squats)
I track all of the food I consume according to the macros calculated by my nutritionist and have steadily made gains of about .4-.5 pounds per week.

Age: 21
Height 5'11
Weight 185
Body Fat 11.3% (Measured in air chamber 1 month ago)

My metabolism is incredibly fast and when I cut last spring the weight melted off like butter but in the process I lost a good amount of the gains I had made during the winter bulk. I looked to clenbuterol because of its anti-catabolic properties in a calorie reduced diet. Ideally, I would run a 500 calorie deficit for two weeks and then take 4 weeks off eating at new maintenance so my body could achieve homeostasis at the lower weight. I would see how things went and determine if another run was in order in early May. I don't drink frequently and am looking to use this as a standalone tool to help hold on to the progress I have made thus far at 8% bf. My two questions then are:

1. If I am only running the clen for two weeks, do I need still need to use Ketotifin to upregulate the receptors?

2. Second, I plan on starting at 20 mcg and assessing tolerance. I couldn't find a concrete answer however to the degree that other stimulants should be avoided. Would it be a good idea to cut the coffee out for 2 weeks just to play it safe?

Thanks guys I really look forward to participating more in the community!


clens anti catabolic properties are a internet myth. this started years ago based on a study done on cows , the clen did show to be anti catabolic on the cows BUT COMMA even when the doses were adjusted for the weight difference between a cow and a human the doses are to high for a human to stand. so at best clen has very mild anti catabolic properties for us but so does a lot of vitamins and supplements.loseing weight at a slow and steady pace is the best way to preserve lean mass while cutting , especially if your doing it without a cycle of steroids.