Question regards first time Clen run

Yeah I did though. I'm not sure if you know the dosing for Albuterol, but I started with 6MG split into two doses eight hours apart for the first week, then 12MG second week, then 18MG third week and I had to go all the way back down to 9MG for the forth week because I could barely sleep due to my beating heart.

well from what I know it looks like you did a quite a big jump in doses.... especially in just a week... plus clen and albuteral act differently.... it's better to stick to lower doses with albuteral...say start with 2mg... it only works for 3-4 hours unlike clen up to 9 hours so you don't need to space them out that far appart.... ideally closer to your workout and not so close till bedtime..... say mid morning and early afternoon.... plus you should take taurine while on either substance to minimize cramping, etc. as it's depleted when using clen or albuterol.... also, stock up on protein, I noticed it helped..... my 2 cents :) good luck
Yeah I did though. I'm not sure if you know the dosing for Albuterol, but I started with 6MG split into two doses eight hours apart for the first week, then 12MG second week, then 18MG third week and I had to go all the way back down to 9MG for the forth week because I could barely sleep due to my beating heart.

...oh and by the way.... it's not the best idea to go over 16 a day.... so your dose of 18 would have your heart jumping out of your body!
Enough childish bs. Everyone is telling me that if i do decide to run another cycle of clen how long should i wait in between cycles? Also what is the benifit of keyotofin sp? Im new to this so not sure what it is
Sweetheart o can and will state my opinion when and where i want. No disrespect.

sorry but you weren't stating your opinions... I read your posts... plus you highjacked someone else's thread that asked for help and it got carried away... if you want help then you ARE in the right place but wrong section as you should be in the women's section.... no offense to the boys but they don't know our bodies as well as we do so you should ask there not here.... I'm just trying to help you out which I believe I already answered some questions for you earlier....
Enough childish bs. Everyone is telling me that if i do decide to run another cycle of clen how long should i wait in between cycles? Also what is the benifit of keyotofin sp? Im new to this so not sure what it is

you were on it for 6 weeks straight? right? you should run it 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off as I stated earlier, I believe.... you want to make sure you get a chance to clear your receptors...
try not to run clen for that long all at once... rotate... stack it with ECA... do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.... plus the stack will act similarly to keto and clear your receptors.... so you don't shut down and create more problems.... but really, if you only got 10lbs left then you should be able to do it with cardio, weights and food... no need for sups... 5'6 at 115.. that's not healthy even at a small bone build.... you should be at around 130-135.... plus depending on your goals in the long run and how you want to look.... but you are pretty much my size... there is no need to go under 130....

sorry chrissy... you said 4 weeks not 6 weeks..... but a good rule is what I said above.... as for the cramps, add taurine... it helps big time also make sure you have enough protein in your diet.... all good things to have a bit higher as clen tends to be quite demanding... and start low.... work your dose up slowly as you need to see how your body reacts... plus some brands are weaker than others.... better to be safe then sorry... also running it with ECA stack will act as keto and clear your receptors.... I've done it many times and it works.... but again, pay attention to your body.... don't rush it and start low....