Question regards first time Clen run

clens anti catabolic properties are a internet myth. this started years ago based on a study done on cows , the clen did show to be anti catabolic on the cows BUT COMMA even when the doses were adjusted for the weight difference between a cow and a human the doses are to high for a human to stand. so at best clen has very mild anti catabolic properties for us but so does a lot of vitamins and supplements.loseing weight at a slow and steady pace is the best way to preserve lean mass while cutting , especially if your doing it without a cycle of steroids.

So are you pretty much anti clen Dadawg??
The reason i ask is because i'm trying to decide whether or not to run some clen. There seems to be quite alot of mixed reveiws which makes it hard to decide, ya know?
some lose some weight on it , im just saying its not anti catabolic to any great degree.

Well, I've been on test cycle now about 7 weeks & seem to be leaning up some. So it would probably be better to keep going w/out clen as i aint trying to lose any of this hard gained muscle. But wouldnt the test help preserve the muscle if i did run clen?
Well, I've been on test cycle now about 7 weeks & seem to be leaning up some. So it would probably be better to keep going w/out clen as i aint trying to lose any of this hard gained muscle. But wouldnt the test help preserve the muscle if i did run clen?

Clen should not burn any muscle when used correctly.
Thanks Queen I wrk out every night, cardio 30-45 mins and lift. So im going towithout clen

That sounds like a good plan, keep your food clean and work hard and you will get your results in no time! :) and next time I suggest posting in the women's section, you can get priceless advice there rather than the boy forum... Just sayin... Plus I'm sure there are other ladies that would love to read about your progress and help you :) good luck
Everyone responds different to clen too... Just like anything else, do your research and read these forums. I personally love clen and what it does and have used it for years. Take it slow. I also increase my protein even more when cycling clen. It helps me keep what I worked so hard for and leans me out.
Everyone responds different to clen too... Just like anything else, do your research and read these forums. I personally love clen and what it does and have used it for years. Take it slow. I also increase my protein even more when cycling clen. It helps me keep what I worked so hard for and leans me out.

I was on Albuterol for three weeks and my heart was racing so fast for a few hours after each dose. I don't know how anyone could workout let alone do cardio on Albuterol or Clenbuterol. My hear would explode if I did.
I was on Albuterol for three weeks and my heart was racing so fast for a few hours after each dose. I don't know how anyone could workout let alone do cardio on Albuterol or Clenbuterol. My hear would explode if I did.

You didn't dose it right. Some brands are stronger/weaker than others... That's why I said, be smart and safe.... I do cardio twice a day on it and it gives me a great boost.... Its better to start low and work your way up, like with any other compound....
You didn't dose it right. Some brands are stronger/weaker than others... That's why I said, be smart and safe.... I do cardio twice a day on it and it gives me a great boost.... Its better to start low and work your way up, like with any other compound....

Yeah I did though. I'm not sure if you know the dosing for Albuterol, but I started with 6MG split into two doses eight hours apart for the first week, then 12MG second week, then 18MG third week and I had to go all the way back down to 9MG for the forth week because I could barely sleep due to my beating heart.