Questions about my second cycle


Hey folks :)

I am doing this little cycle soon, my second cycle...The first cycle was just 500mg test and it was great.

It will consist of:
500mg test E EW
400mg primo E EW
50mg var ED
What do you think about the doses? It is supposed to be a cutting cycle and also a little bit to repair torn ankle ligaments.

Got all the anciliaries on the hand. The pct will be clomid and nolva, but i also got torem on hand. My question is how long/hard recovery should i expect compared to my first test only cycle? Will the combination of primo and var shut me down harder?

And also should i get a blood word for HCT mid-cycle and donate if needed?
I am confused. You said you have all the ancillaries on hand, but you only listed Clomid, Nolva and Torem. Did you just not list everything or do you actually not have everything yet?

How long ago did you last cycle end? Can we see your post cycle blood work results?
Primo is pricey and often counterfeited. I've never used primo but I've never seen anybody only run 400mgs/week.
I am 27 years old. Yes i used aromasin and hcg on the first cycle. Pre cycle my test was 561 and two months after pct it was 583, so even higher.
Personally I think Primo is an unusual addition for a 2nd cycle....
I'd be more tempted to just run the 'Var at the end of a higher dosed Test cycle...
Why not just jump the Test to 600mg and finish the cycle off with your 'Var?

No mention of cycle length?
If you're running Test Enanthate then it needs to be a minimum of 12 weeks really... so you'd run the Var for the last 4-6 weeks depending on how much you have.

You've done the right thing coming up with a suggested cycle first, now you need to tweak it after your receive your advice.

You got a lot of expensive AAS in there for a simple cutting cycle. What are you current stats. I'm going to have to guess with this only being your 2nd cycle you don't have much of a base and you have a higher BF% becuase you want to "cut".

You can cut very easilly with Test only while managing diet. A lot cheaper. I say dump everything you have planned. Build muscle. Muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have the faster you will lose weight. Your metabolism will increase and fat will go away.

Get you some Dbol or Anadrol(50mg a day) and run that with Test at 500mg a week for 6 weeks. Then keep the test going for 6 more weeks. What ever you ran you AI dosage at on your first cycle, double that shit while on the orals. It will keep your E2 right and keep bloat down. Muscle will grow, fat will decrease. If your not eating fast food all week!

GUARENTEE it will be better than that $**** cycle you got planned at fraction of the cost.
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