Just wondering if a prolactin level of 12 could cause week erections? If so how long would you need to take dostinex to lower it? Or is it something you are on as maintenance?
Been on trt 2 years and the last six months my erections have been mediocre at best. Not sure if HCG is causing the raise as I was in the 4-6 range for a long time.
Dose-150mg test a week, .5 arimidex twice a week, 500iu HCG twice a week.
Test 929
Dht 57
Estrodial 13 (yes it's a little low I've experimented and can't find a sweet spot.
Prolactin 12
I have good blood pressure fyi
Been on trt 2 years and the last six months my erections have been mediocre at best. Not sure if HCG is causing the raise as I was in the 4-6 range for a long time.
Dose-150mg test a week, .5 arimidex twice a week, 500iu HCG twice a week.
Test 929
Dht 57
Estrodial 13 (yes it's a little low I've experimented and can't find a sweet spot.
Prolactin 12
I have good blood pressure fyi