Quick Dbojumpstart 25mg ed for 1 week


New member
to lightly jump start a cycle to avoid most side effects.

will be running
week 1-6 300mg test e
week 7-12 500mg test e

im always seeing dbol stacked like
week 1-6 25mg-50mg ed

would it be a waste if i ran 25mg for just a week or week and half. im trying to avoid some of the side effects and the bloat, looking for just the jump start.
Is this your first cycle? Any experience on when you feel your test enanthate? Some guys feel it in two or three weeks. Personal experience is closer to week 4. In this case I would consider the dbol a waste since it was stopped before the test kicked me in the ass. Just my opinion. If i were gonna only run it for 2 weeks then I'd wait a week or two into the cycle.
I'm sure a more experienced member will help out.
Good luck bro
Why are you running 2 different doses thru your cycle?

Can you list your complete planned cycle including all ancillaries and pct?
Please share your stats my friend, age, weight, bf%, complete cycle history, are you using an Ai? what about your pct plan?

What about hcg? how do you plan to avoid shutting your own test level down?
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Yea sorry about that I know better

Week 1-6 test e 300mg Every week
Week 7-12 test e 500mg Every week
Week 2-12 Adex .25mg EOD
Week 13-15 nothing
Week 16-17 nolva 40mg ED
Week 18-19 nolva 20mg ED

33 years old 6'4 240lbs 10-15%BF

Wondering about doing a small jump start with a small 10-25mg dose of dbol everyday for about 2 weeks.
Tapering your test dose does absolutely nothing. Test e takes 4-6 weeks to fully kick in so it tapers itself. Just stick to one dose throughout the cycle.

Adex should be taken from beginning of cycle up to pct. That waiting period between last pin and pct is so your test levels drop so pct can be effective. The way you are looking at it is your test levels are dictated by the amount you pin that week. It doesn't work like that at all. You need your ai to keep managing estrogen between last pin and pct. You still have elevated test levels in that time.

Your pct timing and actual pct are off. You may want to wait 3 weeks to start pct because you may still have elevated test levels by week 2. You can't have a successful pct with elevated levels of test.
Your pct needs both nolva and clomid. This is your recovery time so why half ass it?...

You didn't say anything about hcg or bloodwork. How will you know you recovered after cycle and if you are using the proper dose of ai? Hcg will keep your balls from disappearing.

You got a lot of loose ends to tie up. I would suggest reading the beginner cycle stickys. They will shed light on your confusion...
in bold
to lightly jump start a cycle to avoid most side effects.

will be running
week 1-6 300mg test e
week 7-12 500mg test e this is garbage. test e takes 4-5 weeks to peak.. start with 500mg and stick to it. if you do this you miss a very important peak level of testosterone in your system. youre going to shut down on 300 or 500.. so it makes zero sense
im always seeing dbol stacked like
week 1-6 25mg-50mg ed run dbol for no more than 4 weeks with no more than 50mg ed.

would it be a waste if i ran 25mg for just a week or week and half. im trying to avoid some of the side effects and the bloat, looking for just the jump start.yes it would
whats your ai gonna look like?

i saw you post your pct at nolva 20mg ed.. not enough get 50mg clomid ed for 4 weeks

what are your goal with this cycle? whats your nutrition gonna look like?
Yea thanks for the info I'll run the adex right up until my pct. my diet has been super clean, I've been running in keto so usually atleast 12 eggs and then as much of whatever meat I've decided to eat that day as I can shove down my throat. It's been difficult to get more than 3500 calories but I try.

I was mostly askin hypothetically, I think I've come to the comclusion that all dbol would do in that short of a time is competely shut my test down. Was just curious.

As for not tapering on the test e and correct me because it sounds like I might be wrong but the first few pins of test e aren't going to completely shut down my natural test which means the initial doses that I pin will combine with my natural test then theoretically when my natural test stops producing I'll have up'd how much I'm pinning.

How come you say it's not good to taper?
As for not tapering on the test e and correct me because it sounds like I might be wrong but the first few pins of test e aren't going to completely shut down my natural test which means the initial doses that I pin will combine with my natural test then theoretically when my natural test stops producing I'll have up'd how much I'm pinning.
How come you say it's not good to taper?

Someone will have to correct me but your test will shutdown from the first few pins, it will just take longer due to the ester having to kick in. I'm also quite certain that the amount you inject will be vastly more then you could ever produce naturally and even in a combined natty+test it wont make sense to taper the doses as your natty wont even come close to that you're injecting.
You dont wanna taper the doses because you want stable blood values. Otherwise it'll be a roller coaster effect where not only your test levels will be affected.

Listen to the pro's and dont try and reinvent the wheel :)
Once you start using steroids, you're shut down. You can't add what you think your natural test levels are to what amount of test your pinning. Your natural test is shut down. That's one of the fundamental reasons test is used as a base for every cycle.