Quick HCG Question - Last 10 days or 10 days after last pin?


New member
Hi All,

I have seen the countless posts stating "last 10 days of cycle" for HCG, but I am not clear if this means run it for the 10 days leading up to last pin (Test E), or run it for the 10 days immediately following the last pin?

Thank you for your help.
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Hi All,

I have seen the countless posts stating "last 10 days of cycle" for HCG, but I am not clear if this means run it for the 10 days leading up to last pin (Test E), or run it for the 10 days immediately following the last pin?

Thank you for your help.

You should run it from the start. When you blast like that you increase you chance of gyno runing a lot and craming it in a ten day period. But its too late now so to answer your question do it now not pct.
Ok, but I'm already running Aromasine at 12.5 mg per day, and would still be doing so the last 10 days of cycle. So I assume you're saying I should be running 500 iu /week vs. 1000 iu per day for last days? Also I am not prone to gyno. Couldn't I just increase the Aromasin during the blast? But if I follow your protocol, when would I stop running the HCG***8230;same day as last pin, or after last pin?
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Ok, but I'm already running Aromasine at 12.5 mg per day, and would still be doing so the last 10 days of cycle. So I assume you're saying I should be running 500 iu /week vs. 1000 iu per day for last days? Also I am not prone to gyno. Couldn't I just increase the Aromasin during the blast? But if I follow your protocol, when would I stop running the HCG***8230;same day as last pin, or after last
You need to run it yes it really does not matter if you did it one extra day after the last pin because test eth has a long ester. But start today. Listen to someone else for protocol can someone one chime in?
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My initial question was if I should run it for 10 days up to last pin, or 10 days after last pin. You said it can cause gyno, but now you're recommending running it ED. How is running it everyday safer than just running it for just 10 days?
I said you should of ran it from the start. Are you 10 days out last pin?please give us more info how far along in the cycle are you?
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I'm in week 7 of 10. Most of the protocols on here say to run 1000 iu ED for the last 10 days of the cycle, so I just want to know if that means the last 10 days leading up to the last pin, or the 10 days right after last pin. I won't be starting PCT until 17 days after last pin, so HCG is not relevant to my PCT plan.
Um, Gynopuff is a little confused I think.

hCG is very unlikely to cause gyno... and it certainly won't if your not prone. Even then you'd only get it by failing to control e2, regardless of what compounds your running.

hCG is best used 500iu weekly (2x shots of 250iu) from day 1 of cycle right up until about 3 days before you start PCT.

Failing that, if you've only just picked up some hCG you'd be best of doing a blast for the last part. Just make sure you stop hCG 3days BEFORE you start PCT and you'll be right.

edit: so to answer your original question, you'd start a 10day hcg blast 13 days before PCT. That way you get your ten days, then enough time for it to clear and not effect PCT.
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Um, Gynopuff is a little confused I think.

hCG is very unlikely to cause gyno... and it certainly won't if your not prone. Even then you'd only get it by failing to control e2, regardless of what compounds your running.

hCG is best used 500iu weekly (2x shots of 250iu) from day 1 of cycle right up until about 3 days before you start PCT.

Failing that, if you've only just picked up some hCG you'd be best of doing a blast for the last part. Just make sure you stop hCG 3days BEFORE you start PCT and you'll be right.

edit: so to answer your original question, you'd start a 10day hcg blast 13 days before PCT. That way you get your ten days, then enough time for it to clear and not effect PCT.

If I pin 1000iu I will get (puffy) as well as a few of my buddies who go around that dose claim to have flare up but that is why I stick to 250iu 2x week like you said throughout cycle. But im a GynoGobblin my nips are easily disturbed.
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If I pin 1000iu I will get (puffy) as well as a few of my buddies who go around that dose claim to have flare up but that is why I stick to 250iu 2x week like you said throughout cycle. But im a GynoGobblin my nips are easily disturbed.

U claim to get gyno from everything...
If I pin 1000iu I will get (puffy) as well as a few of my buddies who go around that dose claim to have flare up but that is why I stick to 250iu 2x week like you said throughout cycle. But im a GynoGobblin my nips are easily disturbed.

You should be fine... I run mine at 500iu's twice a week - 5 weeks on - 1 week off - and repeat ... "I'm blasting and cruising."

In your case follow PrinceDianabols advice and increase the AI if needed.

We really need to know more about your cycle and PCT to give you a solid recommendation on the blasting part of hCG for your cycle.
Op I've been reading alot about HCG and think this might help.

What happens when you dose hCG really high, is that you're increasing intra-testicular estrogen. So you're thinking that you could use an aromatase inhibitor in that case, right? Nope. AI's are not effective treatment for intra-testicular e2. Furthermore; high doses is a surefire way to desensitize Leydig Cells. So we have a double whammy here. And this is just another reason to use hCG on cycle, and not "blast" hCG post cycle leading up to and/or during PCT.