Quick question about gear preference


That Dude
My last cycle consisted of Ambrowave at 500mg/week. Planning my second cycle and cant decide if I wanna stick with the ambrowave or get some HG gear. Out of the following choices, which would you prefer? I read some guys saying that Human Grade is Human Grade, doesnt matter what you go for. I know the Aburaihan's are often faked so that's a concern, but I think my source is good. Dont really know too much about Sustanon other than it's just a mix of different Test esthers that release at different times, Im guessing to try and keep blood levels more stable. I've heard good things about the Organon Sus so that might be an option. Looking to run a 12-14 weeker, so give me some suggestions please. Thanks

Schering Testoviron
Galenika Testosteron Depo
Aburaihan Test E
Norma Test E

or possibly Organon Sustanon (sust) 250
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if you go HG get schering or organon-the other 2 listed suck ass-norma and iran

and ive heard great things about galenikas too
if you go HG get schering or organon-the other 2 listed suck ass-norma and iran

and ive heard great things about galenikas too

Where did you hear Norma sucked? I keep seeing people posting crap on these forums like "Elite is bad" and now this Norma sucks statement. Are you just going by here-say? Have you tested these? Experienced these? I have someone running some Norma Test E and it is freakin' amazing stuff.

People really have to stop knockin' labs. It's getting out of control. Norma makes some of the best Test E out there.
i feel sorry for anyone who thinks Norma's bullshit thick ass oil hard as fuck to open amps is some of the best test out there-yea its prolly dosed right but who wants to shoot some shit as thick as motor oil? and yes its from personal experience-and yes some pretty reputable guys would agree with me. the shit blows unless you cant get anything better
anyone that knows me knows i always give credit where credit is due, i dont make shit up, thats how i feel about Norma.

and the iran amps are underfilled
Ampule s suck ass period...but as I never done the gear inside I can t speak as to it s effectiveness but if Oak is stating it , I m believing it. Period.
I hear you bro. I loved my ambrowave, and was treated very well by my source also. Just wondering if the hype surrounding human grade gear being that much superior is true.:scratchhe

to me gh is the best, but as u know it takes time for it to work,but yes gh is the best Imo.
i feel sorry for anyone who thinks Norma's bullshit thick ass oil hard as fuck to open amps is some of the best test out there-yea its prolly dosed right but who wants to shoot some shit as thick as motor oil? and yes its from personal experience-and yes some pretty reputable guys would agree with me. the shit blows unless you cant get anything better

1.) The oil is not "thick ass" at all.
2.) The amps are simple as hell to open. I don't even score it.

You base how good the Test is by the amps and the thickness of it? Not by the quality/dosage/the things that matter? I respect you on these forums and the information and knowledge you bring here, but that is just some of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

I can get any Test E I want, I just chose Norma for him because they never fail at what they do with their Test E.
I think human grade is superior. It is fact, not hype. There is no question whether a bottle watson is dosed right or is sterile. I'd get those testoviron's, best bang for the buck for HG test.
Sust is overpriced for me.
well we will have to agree to disagree-yes their is a lot more to gear in my eyes then dosage-and im sorry but norma is the thickest gear ive ever used-by far

im not telling him wether to go ugl or HG-im simply stating that the other 3 he mentioned are better in my eyes

with the best being watson for HG hands down

i have smashed a couple norma amps in my fingers

when i get gear i want

proper dosage-not over not under

clean gear

painless gear

smooth easy to shoot gear
well we will have to agree to disagree-yes their is a lot more to gear in my eyes then dosage-and im sorry but norma is the thickest gear ive ever used-by far

im not telling him wether to go ugl or HG-im simply stating that the other 3 he mentioned are better in my eyes

with the best being watson for HG hands down

i have smashed a couple norma amps in my fingers

when i get gear i want

proper dosage-not over not under

clean gear

painless gear

smooth easy to shoot gear
