Quick question on cycle


New member
Hey Everyone, just a few quick questions I have about my Epidrol Cycle.. I'm on my 6th week, my doses so far; 20,30,30,30,30,40.. My post cycle therapy (pct) will be clomid, 50/50/25/25.

Background info on cycles: this is second cycle, first one was a dbol + test boost cycle for 10 weeks. Went great no sides. Now I'm on just epidrol. (Middle of week 6)

My question is, can I run this cycle for 8 weeks? 2 more weeks of 40mg/day ? Or is that awful.. I'm not taking any liver support so ill start on that (milk thistle or liv52)

I'd really like to keep goin for 2 more weeks if its not bad for me because I'm showing no signs of any sides..

Any info would be great!
Nice. Thanks for the help

okay eric, here we go. i did some research on epidrol to perhaps be able to give better advice. what i found is its an oral. so your not really on a cycle. oral only cycles are for girls (literally) because injecting can cause serious male sex characteristics in them. and your last cycle was not a cycle either, you just took some pills once again. you obviously dont know anything about gear and shouldnt be taking anything at your level of knowledge and experience. you should know anything over 8 weeks especially a 17 aa compound can begin to cause irreparable damage. you werent even taking a liver support through out. so my advice, post cycle therapy (pct) now and take along hard look at what your doing. change your diet and go natural and do actual and proper research before you even consider an actual cycle.
Few things in your post were flawed. One being my test booster on my previous cycle was injection. Two, I did not use a liver support through this CYCLE was because epidrol is a fairly mild compound and I didn't want to buffer my results and planned to use it during post cycle therapy (pct). Three, just because it's an oral does not make it not a 'cycle'. That's ridiculous. Thanks for trying to make me look dumb an ignorant and not answering my question. After further research I'm going to continue this 2 more weeks to complete an 8week total CYCLE.
your right about the 8 week mark, i did misread that and i do apologize. the reason it grinds my gears is because my dad has a "hard" liver now from cycling in the 70's (oral only) without awareness so im very serious about people not fucking with that. ive never heard of an injectable test booster, that sounds like bs and waste of time. if your injecting a test booster just inject test. and oral only cycles are a waste of time. i stand by that.