Quick Update On My Cycle Almost 7 Weeks Now


digging out of a hole
Hey guys,

So I am almost at the end of 7 weeks of a 250mg Test E/wk, 600mg Primo Depot pw and 20mg Anavar each day.

I've lost a huge amount of fat already on this cycle which was my main goal. I will say that the gains from primo are very very slow. Almost to the point of looking natural, will update again in few weeks.
Congrats on the fat Loss brother sounds like u did well to me

Thanks man, just to confirm what everyone told me before I started this cycle, primo is not a drug that makes it obvious you are on steroids. I honestly look very "natural" on this cycle. Once I am down to a reasonable weight where I feel comfortable Ill start posting progress pics. Im doing this cycle for 18 weeks, 8 weeks off then back on the same cycle.
Hey guys,

So I am almost at the end of 7 weeks of a 250mg Test E/wk, 600mg Primo Depot pw and 20mg Anavar each day.

I've lost a huge amount of fat already on this cycle which was my main goal. I will say that the gains from primo are very very slow. Almost to the point of looking natural, will update again in few weeks.

7 short weeks of running Primo is not ever going to make anyone look 'un-natural' , so just curious what you mean here ?

you say that in 7 weeks you've lost a 'huge amount' of fat , but you say the gains from primo are 'very very slow' ,, so just wondering what kinda 'gains' are slow that your talking about here , cause its seems your 'fat loss' gains are coming along rather quickly ..
what was your starting point BF% and where do you think you are now , whats your diet and training look like that seem to be working for you (cause its not the primo burning the fat , it is whatever your doing in the gym and your diet .. so good job there)?
7 short weeks of running Primo is not ever going to make anyone look 'un-natural' , so just curious what you mean here ?

you say that in 7 weeks you've lost a 'huge amount' of fat , but you say the gains from primo are 'very very slow' ,, so just wondering what kinda 'gains' are slow that your talking about here , cause its seems your 'fat loss' gains are coming along rather quickly ..
what was your starting point BF% and where do you think you are now , whats your diet and training look like that seem to be working for you (cause its not the primo burning the fat , it is whatever your doing in the gym and your diet .. so good job there)?

Should have cleared that up. When I say "natural" I mean "clean". So you know like if I was to go on a cycle of Anadrol, Tren and Test it would be really obvious I am on steroids due to the huge water bloat gains and incredible physique changes with tren, I look like what I am guessing I would have looked like if I had trained natural for a year or so instead of starting this cycle. I am also taking ECA 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off whilst on this cycle, thats where the fat loss is coming from. I just mean the lean bulk gains are real slow, although I am going for a recomposition and just kinda training as hard as I can, twice a day, cardio in mornings and weights at night.

Erm my starting BF was very high. I would guess around 35%, like a huge belly just flopping out in front of me. I am almost flat now. "Almost". If I had to guess I would say I have lost 14 lbs if not more. I dont weight myself or measure my BF. I just go by how I look in the mirror. Thats all I care about really. For my diet it was made for me by 3J a few years ago. I am on that same diet now.

BTW Roush since you said "7 short weeks of running Primo is not ever going to make anyone look 'un-natural'", when do you think the "real" gains of Primo kick in?
I am also taking ECA 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off whilst on this cycle, thats where the fat loss is coming from. I just mean the lean bulk gains are real slow, although I am going for a recomposition and just kinda training as hard as I can, twice a day, cardio in mornings and weights at night.

Erm my starting BF was very high. I would guess around 35%, like a huge belly just flopping out in front of me. I am almost flat now. "Almost". If I had to guess I would say I have lost 14 lbs if not more. I dont weight myself or measure my BF. I just go by how I look in the mirror.

BTW Roush since you said "7 short weeks of running Primo is not ever going to make anyone look 'un-natural'", when do you think the "real" gains of Primo kick in?

sounds like you got things dialed in and are making good progress..

as far as looking 'un-natural' , even apart from the primo statement . well it could take years and years of steady training and running gear to get that 'un-natural' look ,, or you could be a Doug Miller and pass a drug test and be 'natural' yet look un-natural , or you could be that guy at the gym who has been running a shit ton of compounds for years and still looks like he does not even lift.

just saying ,, but especially with Primo, and especially for that short of time . Its a very slow and very mild compound . Last time I ran it I ran it for 20 weeks.. It does not aromatize and has very little sides , so yes your correct you may not get that 'un-natural' puffy bloated look (but if you control diet and manage estrodial you can stay away from that look with any compound) .. Primo seems to work best (i.e., bring about more apparent or visible results) at a lower body fat percentage to help bring out the muscle you already do have (which you can see when the BF% is down) rather then being a highly anabolic compound and building or putting on muscle mass.

But, like your doing . its a very mild compound that works great on a cutting cycle or calorie restrictive diet because it will help you stay anabolic and maintain muscle mass while cutting .. great compound, but yeah I think we both agree , nothing about it is going to make someone look 'un-natural' in 7 weeks
sounds like you got things dialed in and are making good progress..

as far as looking 'un-natural' , even apart from the primo statement . well it could take years and years of steady training and running gear to get that 'un-natural' look ,, or you could be a Doug Miller and pass a drug test and be 'natural' yet look un-natural , or you could be that guy at the gym who has been running a shit ton of compounds for years and still looks like he does not even lift.

just saying ,, but especially with Primo, and especially for that short of time . Its a very slow and very mild compound . Last time I ran it I ran it for 20 weeks.. It does not aromatize and has very little sides , so yes your correct you may not get that 'un-natural' puffy bloated look (but if you control diet and manage estrodial you can stay away from that look with any compound) .. Primo seems to work best (i.e., bring about more apparent or visible results) at a lower body fat percentage to help bring out the muscle you already do have (which you can see when the BF% is down) rather then being a highly anabolic compound and building or putting on muscle mass.

But, like your doing . its a very mild compound that works great on a cutting cycle or calorie restrictive diet because it will help you stay anabolic and maintain muscle mass while cutting .. great compound, but yeah I think we both agree , nothing about it is going to make someone look 'un-natural' in 7 weeks

Some awesome feedback here. Yeh I think I will be running primo on and off for the next few years, Ive no reason to get huge and bloated and wont be making money out of bodybuilding so its slow and steady for me.
Time on cycle plus pct equals time off. Starting another cycle 8 weeks after this one isn't advised...
Hey guys,

So I am almost at the end of 7 weeks of a 250mg Test E/wk, 600mg Primo Depot pw and 20mg Anavar each day.

I've lost a huge amount of fat already on this cycle which was my main goal. I will say that the gains from primo are very very slow. Almost to the point of looking natural, will update again in few weeks.

Legit Primo is good. And yes it does take a long time to see results from it. But it does give you a very nice look.