Rack Pulls in place of Deads?


Genetic Opposer
Ok...so my damn gym (all of them) has replaces the round plates with the 10-sided rubber-coated ones...

Now i like those for a lot of reasons: they have handles so when i'm worn out it makes it easier to load and unload...and if i'm doing bent over rows from the floor they dont roll out of place when i'm trying to position myself

but they SUCK for deadlifts off the floor...when doing a set i put the bar completely down, reset for a second, then do another rep

with the 10-sided plates they can land on the points and jar my positioning and crap...

another gym is not an option...i go to 24h..and can go to any of the 10 in my area...but ALL of them have these now

so can i do rack pulls set low in a power rack for similar results? i don't go to meets, so i dont care what the results are when i can finally get deads in somewhere

You could but they are not a substitute. I do deads with the plates you are talking about with no problem but if I am not going for a max single I touch and go.
I used those plates for years, they sucks but just work with them. I too touch and go though, so I can see where the reset would fuck you up with the points hit and roll the bar or something.
The absolute best way to do it is if they still have one or 2 round plates laying around is use that as the first plate. That way you will only touch those and when you go to pull of the other plates they come right off no fighting.
Yep. Or your gym might still have some 100 plates laying around, which are produced round from the same company as the hex plates, and are larger in diameter.
AngryMuscles said:
oooooooooooooooor you could just take your time to align them all...lol
The come un-aligned after 2 reps, and it doesnt matter because if you come down on the point of the plate on one side, and the flat side of the other - it fucks you all up.
get a couple pieces of nylon straps and strap them in place. or just duct tape them in place. and make sure you have them clipped really tight. double clip them if needed.
alright...extra supplies in the gym bag..duct tape!

hell i'll do it...why not

tried doing rack pulls in the rack last night...yeah..fun...the lowest setting was just a little above the knees....

In that case you can stand on a couple 45's. Hey man I've mcguyvered the shit out of my gym for years. Theres almost nothing you cant do with a little ingenuity.
DougoeFre5h said:
In that case you can stand on a couple 45's. Hey man I've mcguyvered the shit out of my gym for years. Theres almost nothing you cant do with a little ingenuity.
Yeah for real. I know for a fact that a lot of people in my gym look at me like I'm an idiot for alot of stuff I do. Where there is a will there is a way.