Raloxifene (Evista) during PCT

Does it have emotional sides like clomid? this is a good thread. I would also like to hear about combing these with am Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in pct, do you guys still do that.

I had absolutely no sides with ralox, and I ran it in combo with tamox. Had a fantastic post cycle therapy (pct). Didn't feel any drop in mood whatsoever. Everything came back quick. Strength continued on through post cycle therapy (pct). Life is good.

I will sometimes use a small small intermittent dose of aromasin if I feel my estro seems high during PCT, but I try not to if I can get away with it.
essasys there is alot of debate as to which is better of restoring HPTA function . Tamox of Clomid. And I think i read one of you post that you would prefer to use a clomid ralox post cycle therapy (pct). Does that still hold true?

Im going to order some goodies for my guinea pig from GWP and RUI
I have seen studies on mind and muscle where 25mg of Clomid worked. So it might be a good idea to just add the small amount of Clomid in?

What about aromasin included in PCT with relx and low dose Clomid.
almost all these drugs ingested can increase blood clotting, hell testosterone does it...its mostly talking about that with people who have venous insufficiency or Long levels of inactivity...also tamoxifene (nolva) has studies saying it impairs cognition...

I had absolutely no sides with ralox, and I ran it in combo with tamox. Had a fantastic post cycle therapy (pct). Didn't feel any drop in mood whatsoever. Everything came back quick. Strength continued on through post cycle therapy (pct). Life is good.

I will sometimes use a small small intermittent dose of aromasin if I feel my estro seems high during PCT, but I try not to if I can get away with it.

I began using a PH not too long ago. A 4 week cycle. Notice my left nipple was itchy and very sensitive after the cycle. Was using one of those herbal PCT from the site I purchased my PH from. This was not strong enough for a PCT and lost my size and strength gains. Using Ralaxofine will help alone without combining it with tamoxifine as a PCT if I chose to use another cycle right? I mean both are a SERM and estrogen receptors. Sorry fellows, I'm new to the PH game and also want to gain some size and do it the right and safe way... need your help.