Raloxifene: The Ultimate Gyno Treatment??

Raloxifene is a SERM , Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, much like tamoxifen and toremifene as well as clomiphene.. Serms, just as their name indicates, bind selectively to estrogen receptors in different tissues eliciting some interesting responses.

In order to understand how to treat gyno we first need to understand exactly what it is. Gynecomastia is abnormal development of breast tissue in males. The primary cause of this is high levels of estrogen. This excess estrogen begins eliciting its effects on the estrogen receptors in the breast tissue, causing tissue growth and development.

There have been many approaches to the prevention and treatment of gyno. More recently the use of an aromatase inhibitor has been advocated for such a purpose. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) lowers circulating estrogen levels ***8211; therefore less estrogen ***8211; less binding to breast tissue. Absence of estrogen at the receptor site in breast tissue causes tissue cell death. That is one approach ***8211; however alone it may not be most effective.

Tamoxifen was/is another traditional approach to the treatment of gyno. Tamox acts as an estrogen, binding more strongly to selective estrogen receptors, like the receptors in breast tissue. This prevents the estrogen from exerting any effects on the receptor and the tissue effected. Pretty good treatment and it does work. There is plenty of data to support its effectiveness.

So we already said raloxifene is in the same family of compounds as tamoxifen. So what makes it any better for gyno treatment. Well raloxifene, it turns out, has about 10x the binding affinity for the estrogen receptor in breast tissue than tamoxifen does. It binds much more strongly to the receptor site, virtually eliminating the possibility of any estrogen reaching a receptor and exerting the undesired effect. There are head to head studies proving raloxifene is more effective at treating and relieving gyno than tamoxifen is.

Again there are different approaches to the treatment of gyno, but the approach of using a serm is definitely the most effective. It may be prudent to combine this with the use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to lower estrogen as well, lessening the likelihood of the occurrence. However, for treatment a serm, specifically raloxifene , cannot be beat. Remember if no estrogen reaches the recptor in the brest tissue ***8211; the tissue dies. There is no way using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to eliminate all estrogen, however with a potent serm like raloxifene , you can prevent any from exerting its effects . If gyno is an issue in your research, it would be very wise to look into this often overlooked but valuable serm.

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*Vogel, Victor; Joseph Constantino, Lawrence Wickerman et al. (2006-06-21). "Effects of Tamoxifen vs. Raloxifene on the Risk of Developing Invasive Breast Cancer and Other Disease Outcomes". The Journal of the American Medical Association 295 (23): 2727***8211;2741. doi:10.1001/jama.295.23.joc60074. PMID 16754727
*Biochem Pharmacol. 2001 Oct 1;62(7):953-61. Transcriptional activities of estrogen receptor alpha and beta in yeast properties of raloxifene. Jisa E, Dornstauder E, Ogawa S, Inoue S, Muramatsu M, Jungbauer A. Source Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
*J Pediatr. 2004 Jul;145(1):71-6. Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia.Lawrence SE, Faught KA, Vethamuthu J, Lawson ML.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. slawrence@cheo.on.ca
*Molecular Characterization of the Microsomal Tamoxifen Binding Site*Blandine Kedjouar, Philippe de Médina, Mustapha Oulad-Abdelghani***8225;,Bruno Payré, Sandrine Silvente-Poirot, Gilles Favre, Jean-Charles Faye and Marc Poirot§ E-mail: poirot@icr.fnclcc.fr.
*http://humupd.oxfordjournals.org/content/6/3/212.full.pdf ***8211; Pharmacological Review of Selective Estrogen Recptor Modulators

Raloxifene 120
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So would I be able to use raloxifene on a cycle with aromasin? I am about 6-7 weeks away from starting a npp test var cycle and just realized a lump. I was thinking of doing letro for a month or a little longer before cycle. Can I then add raloxifene or should I wait till im on post cycle therapy (pct) if gyno is still there. It's smaller about a pea sized lump.
So would I be able to use raloxifene on a cycle with aromasin? I am about 6-7 weeks away from starting a npp test Anavar (var) cycle and just realized a lump. I was thinking of doing letro for a month or a little longer before cycle. Can I then add raloxifene or should I wait till im on post cycle therapy (pct) if gyno is still there. It's smaller about a pea sized lump.

I would rec starting the letro at .25-.0mg e3d, 2-4 weeks before cycle since you already have a lump and continue through out cycle, and if you notice flair up of lump add a low dose of rolax while adjusting Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose if needed. other wise i rec it for post cycle therapy (pct) or post cycle to try get ride of gyno.

personally i would say to ruen the rolax and letro abd treat gyno the best you can BEFORE starting a cycle.
bu have the rolax on hand incase of flair up while on Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and cycle.
Id stay on the letro as long as you can. Ralox is GREAT for gyno though even stubborn gyno thats been there for months!
No it shoudl nto is you dos eit right.
It is never a good idea to lower your estrogen to undetectable levels, but controlling your estrogen levels on cycle IS ALWAYS a good idea. Letro will NOT hurt your gains. Some see water lb's as gains. letro will help stop bloat which IS a good thing, not a bad one.

I rec 0.6mg e3d for most.

thanks juced!! Ya its wierd my nipples are still tiny but they are always hard and pointy which sucks. My left one has a lump a little smaller then a dime. My right one lump is so small smaller then a pea. I can see them through some t shirts. No one really notices but me especially with shirt off. But I deff wanna fix this issue. The annoying thing is my prolactin and estrogen are both in range..
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Interesting stuff RUI. I am curious as to how effective Raloxifene would be as a tamoxifen replacement during post cycle therapy (pct). Since Raloxifene is more effective at treating gyno might it not also be more effective at getting natural test production back in shape?
i don't think rui is answering questions on this thread lol. I asked him something a few weeks ago and still waiting. But juced helped me out. But if I had to make a guess I believe raloxifene isn't at strong as nolva for getting test levels back. But why not add clomid or even all three nolva clomid raloxifene? I figure it can't hurt. I wanna know if you can use raloxifene with tren and deca? I know nolva doesn't mix well with those because of prolactin.
Ya im thinking of running it during my npp test anavar cycle with either low dose of letro or aromasin. I think you need to use raloxifene for 3 months or something.
I'm interested in this too. I have a small lump under one of my nips but I'm not willing to drive estro to nothing with letro just to shrink it. Having low estro sucks ass. I may look in to this some more.
Ya bump. Raloxifene on cycle NPP test? Good idea or bad. I am now reading to run 6 months.

Great idea if you have gyno. While gyno reversal studies are usually 6 months in duration you will likely see relief much sooner. You will def be protected from a flare up , and within 3 months id bet you will see MAJOR significant improvement as long as your gyno hasnt reached the fiberous tissue stage..then you may well be looking at 6 months. Raloxifene and low dose exemestane would be perfect on your cycle . The ralox will handle gyno , the stane will manage e2 - which is important for more reasons than just gyno.
Pickthat shit up now- rui is like 35% off today man.
Whats a good starting dose of ralox?

Great idea if you have gyno. While gyno reversal studies are usually 6 months in duration you will likely see relief much sooner. You will def be protected from a flare up , and within 3 months id bet you will see MAJOR significant improvement as long as your gyno hasnt reached the fiberous tissue stage..then you may well be looking at 6 months. Raloxifene and low dose exemestane would be perfect on your cycle . The ralox will handle gyno , the stane will manage e2 - which is important for more reasons than just gyno.
Pickthat shit up now- rui is like 35% off today man.