Raw egg whites


New member
I bought a shit load of eggs and have seperated them.

My question is how long will the whites keep in the fridge in a air tight container?
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It was a lot of work but its all good i aint lazy! (not saying you are)

+ I get awsome deals on eggs so i plan to take full advantage!!
just out of curiosity. why did you separete before actually wanting to cook or eat them?? eggs are easiest stored in their shell.
Ha... have you guys ever eaten raw eggs for a few days and then ripped ass??? That smell has got to be the worst smell a human body can ever create!! And it floats around, following you into every room as you try to hide! Grow a pair and give it a shot sometime!
man i thought i would give it ago eating raw eggs, i had one one day that was ok, then the next i thought ah lets have two, man i had the sickest gut for 24hours, i never did it again. although

i sort of get off on eating un born chickens would love to eat raw eggs but cant stomach them..!

anyone have problems eating raw eggs? just curious as its not recommended