Ready to go first cycle.....advices????


New member
Well guys after a research and with the help of great guys in this forum i finally decided my first cycle and goes as follows:

I just want to know what do you guys think about, is it ok?, should i change/add something?, please advices are greatly appreciated:


36 y.o.
250-300 grs of protein/day
vitamins and minerals
workouts mon-sat


-test-e 500mg/week (2 shots)
-dbol 30-40 mgs/ed 6 weeks
-proviron 50 mgs ed starting after week 4 until last test-e shot.

PCT. (starting after 16 days of last shot)

clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10
tribulus terrestris 3000


-milk thisle (all during cycle)

So what do you guys think? is it ok?, should i add some deca in the cycle?, please your feedback is very important, thanks in advance.

Well guys after a research and with the help of great guys in this forum i finally decided my first cycle and goes as follows:

I just want to know what do you guys think about, is it ok?, should i change/add something?, please advices are greatly appreciated:


36 y.o.
250-300 grs of protein/day
vitamins and minerals
workouts mon-sat


-test-e 500mg/week (2 shots)
-dbol 30-40 mgs/ed 6 weeks
-proviron 50 mgs ed starting after week 4 until last test-e shot.

PCT. (starting after 16 days of last shot)

clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10
tribulus terrestris 3000


-milk thisle (all during cycle)

So what do you guys think? is it ok?, should i add some deca in the cycle?, please your feedback is very important, thanks in advance.


Hey Sidd, how long are you going to be running the test (weeks)?
I'm not totally sure but since your running Proviron as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I think you should run that from day one all the way up to your PCT.

Also your 5'10" at 170lbs, 4500-5000 calories a day seems pretty high.

Maybe some vets on here can offer their advice. Also, the general consensus on your first cycle should be test only to see how your body responds to it. Alot of these guys have been doing this for a long time, I would heed any advice they give, they know there shit (the vets I mean).

Good luck man, take it easy:dunno:
looks solid guy, but you didn't stait how long you're going to run it? 12weeks? 14?

nicely planned though.
Hey guys since i just got two bottles of test-e 10ml each i have only for 20 shots so 10 week it will be.

As for the proviron i was thinking about taking it 4 weeks after first injection pretty much as a anti-estrogen agent (4 weeks fot the test to kick).

I have nos tarted yet therefore all advices of you guys are gold for me, thanks
